Avocado Keto Bomb

Avocado Keto Bomb

  • Prepare: 5 min
  • Cook Time: 50 min
  • TotalTime:
Avocado Keto Bomb

Avocado Keto Bomb


  • Meat

    • 1/4 kg Ground beef, Regular
  • Produce

    • 2 X avocados
  • Refrigerated

    • 4 X-large eggs
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 Avocado oil
    • 1 X tablespoon cayenne pepper
    • 1 X teaspoon himalayan salt
  • Other

    • 1 x Teaspoon Ground Black Pepper (or to taste

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Looking for a simple, but very tasty keto meal? This is one of my new favorites! Super convenient and tasty! The way I explain preparation below will allow you to make it in bulk, so you can prepare it for a few meals for the week. Keeps very well in the fridge. I heat it up in the oven or even microwave. A single serving portion will be 1/2 an avocado as shown.


  • 2 x Avocados
  • 2 x Bags of Pork Rinds (Ex: Baken-ets 70 gram bags)
  • 8 x Tablespoons of Cheddar Cheese (tiny cubes or shred)
  • 4 x Large Eggs
  • 0.2 kg (200 grams) Regular Ground Beef
  • Avocado Oil (used for frying as needed)
  • 3 x Tablespoon Roasted Garlic and Red Peppers
  • 1 x Teaspoon Himalayan Salt (or to taste)
  • 1 x Teaspoon Ground Black Pepper (or to taste)
  • 1 x Tablespoon Cayenne Pepper (or to taste)


  • (see bottom of page for photo/video directions)Select 2 ripe but semi-firm avocados. Slice them in half, remove the seed.Shred/or cube cheddar cheese to total 8 tablespoonsCrush both bags of pork rinds until its pretty fine (keep each portion separate). One will be used in the meat, the other for a coating.In a large bowl, add your 0.25kg Regular Ground Beef, 2 large eggs, 1 bag of crushed pork rinds, and all seasonings you want (cayenne, black pepper etc). Mix well.Now spoon out some avocado from the seed hole to make more room for the cheese. Spoon it out as shown in the image below. So you can later cover the cheese with it.Remove skin from avocadosAdd 2 tablespoon of cheese into each of the avocado seed holes. Then cover with the scooped out part (optional).Now flatten some of the meat mixture in your hands, and wrap the entire avocado with it. Ensure its covered all around.In one large bowl pour the other crushed bag of pork rinds.In another bowl, crack and blend the remaining 2 large eggs. Then proceed to dip the meat-wrapped avocados into the egg mixture. Turning them around in the bowl to ensure each one is coated evenly.Now put it into the bowl of crushed pork rinds, and rotate around to ensure a even coating of pork rinds. Then place onto a plate. Repeat with all portions.Heat up deep frying pan or small pot on stove top with Avocado oil or Extra Virgin Olive Oil. I would not put it on HIGH, but more around medium/high. As we dont want to burn the coating, yet cook the meat. Use enough oil to cover at least half the avocado as shown in the picture below.Cook each-side until a little golden brown and the meat is cooked. Since its a relatively thin layer of meat, should not take more than 8-10 min. Place onto baking tray covered in foil when done.Now to get a nice crust and finish cooking, I would place it into a oven set to 400 degrees for 15-20 min.Once done, take it out and let cool a little and enjoy!* You may have some left over ground beef due to the variety of sizes of avocados.
  • Prepare: 5 min
  • Cook Time: 50 min
  • TotalTime:


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Avocado Keto Bomb - My Keto Coach


  How to Prepare & Cook the Keto Coach “Avocado Keto Bomb” with Pictures & Video! First we start off with selecting 2 ripe but semi-firm avocados. Slice them in half, remove the seed. Shred or cube cheddar cheese to total 8 tablespoons. Also crush both bags of pork rinds until its pretty fine (keep …

Avocado Keto Bomb

  • Meat

    • 1/4 kg Ground beef, Regular
  • Produce

    • 2 X avocados
  • Refrigerated

    • 4 X-large eggs
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 Avocado oil
    • 1 X tablespoon cayenne pepper
    • 1 X teaspoon himalayan salt
  • Other

    • 1 x Teaspoon Ground Black Pepper (or to taste

The first person this recipe



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Found on myketocoach.com

My Keto Coach

Avocado Keto Bomb - My Keto Coach

  How to Prepare & Cook the Keto Coach “Avocado Keto Bomb” with Pictures & Video! First we start off with selecting 2 ripe but semi-firm avocados. Slice them in half, remove the seed. Shred or cube cheddar cheese to total 8 tablespoons. Also crush both bags of pork rinds until its pretty fine (keep …