Christmas Grinch Fruit Kabobs Skewers

Christmas Grinch Fruit Kabobs Skewers

Christmas Grinch Fruit Kabobs Skewers

Christmas Grinch Fruit Kabobs Skewers


  • Gluten free


  • Produce

    • 1 Banana
    • 8 oz Grapes, Green
    • 1 pint Strawberries
  • Desserts

    • 1/4 cup Marshmallows, mini

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This cute little Grinch fruit skewers are so delicious! The head is the grape, the hat is the strawberry with banana and marshmallow, yummy yum yum! Grinch fruit kabobs are always a hit at Christmas parties!


  • 1 pint strawberries
  • 8 oz green grapes
  • 1 banana
  • ¼ cup mini marshmallows


  • Cut off the bottom with the green stem from the strawberry and discard.
  • Slice the banana in thing rounds.
  • Using a toothpick, assemble the Grinch with the grape for the body, then banana slice, then strawberry and the mini marshmallow on top.
  • If the toothpick is not long enough to stick out from the grape bottom, insert the second toothpick into the bottom of the grape.

391 31

Grinch Fruit Kabobs Skewers – Healthy Christmas Appetizer, Snack or Dessert!


This cute little Grinch fruit skewers are so delicious! The head is the grape, the hat is the strawberry with banana and marshmallow, yummy yum yum! Grinch fruit kabobs are always a hit at Christmas parties!

Christmas Grinch Fruit Kabobs Skewers

  • Produce

    • 1 Banana
    • 8 oz Grapes, Green
    • 1 pint Strawberries
  • Desserts

    • 1/4 cup Marshmallows, mini

The first person this recipe

391 31

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Grinch Fruit Kabobs Skewers – Healthy Christmas Appetizer, Snack or Dessert!

This cute little Grinch fruit skewers are so delicious! The head is the grape, the hat is the strawberry with banana and marshmallow, yummy yum yum! Grinch fruit kabobs are always a hit at Christmas parties!