Easy Christmas Snacks: Sugar Snap Pea Christmas Tree

Easy Christmas Snacks: Sugar Snap Pea Christmas Tree

  • Prepare: 3M
Easy Christmas Snacks: Sugar Snap Pea Christmas Tree

Easy Christmas Snacks: Sugar Snap Pea Christmas Tree


  • Vegan
  • Gluten free
  • Paleo


  • Produce

    • 11 Sugar snap peas
    • 1 Yellow bell pepper
  • Time
  • Prepare: 3M

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Make sure to cut the bell pepper star from the inside of the pepper, so the skin of the pepper is the last thing you have to push the cutter through.

Let your kiddo put this broccoli Christmas tree together, then give them a side of Ranch for dipping!

Up to you and your kids if you want to peel the kiwi for this cute Christmas tree snack.

If you want pretty grapes without stem holes (like in the photo), just double the number of grapes you use. You can snack on the stem ends and just use the pretty ends for the tree.


  • Arrange ten of the peas in upside down v shapes stacked one above the other.
  • Place the final pea vertically in the bottom for a trunk
  • Cut off one side of the bell pepper, and use a small star shaped cookie cutter to cut out a star shape, then place it at the top of the tree.
  • Arrange broccoli florets and tomatoes into a Christmas tree shape. You can intersperse the tomatoes randomly or arrange them like garlands.
  • Place the broccoli stem at the bottom for a trunk.
  • Slice the ends off of the kiwi, then slice it into 4 rounds.
  • Cut each round in half and arrange them in upside down v shapes, with the curved ends pointing down.
  • Cut a thin rectangle out of one of the end pieces and place it at the bottom for a trunk.
  • Place a raspberry at the top for a star.
  • Slice the grapes in half to get two round ends from each grape.
  • Arrange grape halves, cut side down, in a large triangle, using two at the center bottom for a trunk.
  • Place a raspberry on top for a star.
  • Serves: 1
  • Prepare: PT5M


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Easy Christmas Tree Snacks


These easy Christmas snacks look like cute little Christmas trees, and are a fun way to get your kids eating healthy snacks during the holidays.

Easy Christmas Snacks: Sugar Snap Pea Christmas Tree

  • Produce

    • 11 Sugar snap peas
    • 1 Yellow bell pepper

The first person this recipe



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Found on eatingrichly.com

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Easy Christmas Tree Snacks

These easy Christmas snacks look like cute little Christmas trees, and are a fun way to get your kids eating healthy snacks during the holidays.