Frankenstein Marshmallow Pops

Frankenstein Marshmallow Pops

  • Prepare: 1H
  • Cook: 5M
Frankenstein Marshmallow Pops

Frankenstein Marshmallow Pops


  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 Chocolate chips, semisweet
  • Snacks

    • 1 Pretzel rods, Small
  • Desserts

    • 1 Candy eyeballs
    • 1 Candy melts, green
    • 1 Marshmallows
  • Other

    • Edible red and black markers
    • toothpicks; lollipop sticks or colorful straws
  • Time
  • Prepare: 1H
  • Cook: 5M

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Where do I even begin with these Halloween creepers? I suppose the truth is a good place to start. My first attempt at making Frankenstein marshmallow pops was a hot, sticky mess. Had my original goal been to create seasick, mustached, beret-wearing Frenchmen, then I totally would’ve nailed it. An A+ for sure. Don’t believe me? I don’t know why I’m about to share this, but here’s what the first batch looked like … [rss-cut] Are you still reading? Are we still friends? I hope so. I swear it was all a matter of practice. Luckily, I forged the messy path of trial and error so that you don’t have to. That’s right. You don’t have to spend four hours dipping marshmallows in chocolate at 3 a.m. on a Saturday only to email a photo of said marshmallow men to your family members, who then respond with “HAHAHAHA!” These are scary marshmallows, people. SCARY. They should make you want to cry in fear … not laugh uncontrollably. My dad coined them “Frankenmallows.” I’m digging that. And I’ve loved having a dozen Frankenmallows as my roomies for the week — beady eyes, bleeding foreheads, chocolate toupées and all. If you’re seriously crushing on these creepy Halloween marshmallow pops and want to share them with your Pinterest buddies, check out this pin featuring a step-by-step collage of the process. From marshmallows to Frankensteins, in just five sweet and seriously spooky steps. Craving more? Sign up for the Just a Taste newsletter for a fresh serving of content delivered every week to your inbox! And stay in touch on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram for all of the latest updates.


  • Melt the green candy melts in a microwave or double boiler according to package directions until they are fully melted. Push the lollipop sticks into the marshmallows then dip the marshmallows into the melted candy, turning to cover them completely. Stand the marshmallows upright in a glass filled with uncooked rice or oatmeal and place the glass in the fridge until the chocolate has cooled and hardened slightly, about 5 minutes. Melt the chocolate chips in a microwave or double boiler until smooth. Dip the tops of each of the coated marshmallows in the chocolate to form the hair, and using a toothpick, drag the chocolate down toward the base of the marshmallow to form spikes of hair. Return the marshmallows to the fridge until the chocolate has hardened, about 5 minutes. Break the ends off of the pretzel rods to form the small (about 1/8-inch) bolts for Frankensteins neck. Carefully push one piece of pretzel into each side of the marshmallow about 1/3 of the way from the bottom. Using a toothpick and the remaining melted chocolate, dab two small dots of chocolate onto each marshmallow and press on the candy eyeballs. Using the black edible marker, draw on a mouth, and then using the red edible marker, draw on a laceration on Frankensteins forehead. Enjoy the marshmallow pops immediately or store them in an air-tight contained in the fridge until ready to serve. Kellys Notes: Candy melts can be found at most bakeware stores. Do not substitute white chocolate and green food coloring for the candy melts, as most food colorings are water-based and will cause the chocolate to seize.
  • Prepare: 60 minutes
  • Cook Time: 5 MINUTES

5142 399

Frankenstein Marshmallow Pops Recipe


Serve up a spooky Halloween sweet with a recipe for chocolate-dipped Frankenstein marshmallow pops.

Frankenstein Marshmallow Pops

  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 Chocolate chips, semisweet
  • Snacks

    • 1 Pretzel rods, Small
  • Desserts

    • 1 Candy eyeballs
    • 1 Candy melts, green
    • 1 Marshmallows
  • Other

    • Edible red and black markers
    • toothpicks; lollipop sticks or colorful straws

The first person this recipe

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Just a Taste

Frankenstein Marshmallow Pops Recipe

Serve up a spooky Halloween sweet with a recipe for chocolate-dipped Frankenstein marshmallow pops.