Honey Glazed Mesquite Smoked Pork Tenderloin

Honey Glazed Mesquite Smoked Pork Tenderloin

Honey Glazed Mesquite Smoked Pork Tenderloin

Honey Glazed Mesquite Smoked Pork Tenderloin


  • Gluten free


  • Meat

    • 1/3 Pork tenderloin (about 3 lbs.
  • Condiments

    • 1/4 cup Honey
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1/2 cup Brown sugar
    • 1 tsp Cinnamon, ground

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  • 1/3 pork tenderloin (about 3 lbs.)
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon


  • Put all three of the glaze ingredients together in a microwave safe bowl. Before mixing, microwave on high for 15 seconds to thin out the honey for mixing. Mix together thoroughly.
  • Remove as much of the fat cap as you can from the tenderloin. (Not needed as much if only cooking to slice). Thoroughly rub 2/3 of the glaze on all surfaces of the tenderloin, spreading as evenly as possible.
  • Get your smoker stabilized at about 225 to 250° F. I used mesquite wood for this, but of course, you can use any wood of your choice.
  • Place the pork tenderloin directly on the smoker rack. Maintain the 225° to 250° temperature.
  • After about 1 hour, flip the roast over and spread the remaining glaze on the side with the grooves caused from sitting on the rack.
  • Continue cooking for about 4 hours and remove at an internal temperature of 160° to 165° F.


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Honey Glazed Mesquite Smoked Pork Tenderloin


All about smoking and grilling meats and veggies, specializing in Texas recipes. Including marinades, injection solutions, brines, and a variety of recipes. Covering cooking stories, woods, spices, and sides.

Honey Glazed Mesquite Smoked Pork Tenderloin

  • Meat

    • 1/3 Pork tenderloin (about 3 lbs.
  • Condiments

    • 1/4 cup Honey
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1/2 cup Brown sugar
    • 1 tsp Cinnamon, ground

The first person this recipe



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Found on smokedngrilled.com

Smoked 'n Grilled

Honey Glazed Mesquite Smoked Pork Tenderloin

All about smoking and grilling meats and veggies, specializing in Texas recipes. Including marinades, injection solutions, brines, and a variety of recipes. Covering cooking stories, woods, spices, and sides.