Hot & Smoky Roasted Poblano Pepper Salsa

Hot & Smoky Roasted Poblano Pepper Salsa

  • Serves: makes about 1 1/2 cups
Hot & Smoky Roasted Poblano Pepper Salsa

Hot & Smoky Roasted Poblano Pepper Salsa


  • Vegan
  • Gluten free
  • Paleo


  • Produce

    • 1/2 Red onion, small
    • 1/2 lb Tomatoes

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  • 1/2 pound tomatoes, cored
  • 1/2 small red onion
  • Serves: makes about 1 1/2 cups

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Spicy Recipe: Hot & Smoky Roasted Poblano Pepper Salsa — Recipes from The Kitchn


What is your signature salsa? Sara Kate brought us the deliciously smoky Lizano-style salsa yesterday, inspired by Costa Rica. Nealey turned to Georgia fruit for her saucy sweet and spicy peach salsa. Me, I try to keep salsa as simple as possible. Mostly because I am lazy in the sauce department, but also because I need something fast and easy in the moments just before the guests show up. What do I put out with chips? Something hot, something smoky, something that take 5 minutes to make, like this poblano salsa.

Hot & Smoky Roasted Poblano Pepper Salsa

  • Produce

    • 1/2 Red onion, small
    • 1/2 lb Tomatoes

The first person this recipe

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The Kitchn

Spicy Recipe: Hot & Smoky Roasted Poblano Pepper Salsa — Recipes from The Kitchn

What is your signature salsa? Sara Kate brought us the deliciously smoky Lizano-style salsa yesterday, inspired by Costa Rica. Nealey turned to Georgia fruit for her saucy sweet and spicy peach salsa. Me, I try to keep salsa as simple as possible. Mostly because I am lazy in the sauce department, but also because I need something fast and easy in the moments just before the guests show up. What do I put out with chips? Something hot, something smoky, something that take 5 minutes to make, like this poblano salsa.