How To Make Lemon Extract

How To Make Lemon Extract

How To Make Lemon Extract

How To Make Lemon Extract


  • Produce

    • 6 Lemons, Rind of large organic
  • Beer, Wine & Liquor

    • 1 cup Vodka

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Hi, Im Mommypotamus. My mission is to help you put delicious, healthy meals on the table, find effective natural remedies for common complaints, make your own fuss-free personal care and home products, and save time and money in the process.


  • Rind of 6 large organic lemons
  • 1 cup vodka


  • Wash and dry lemons.
  • Using a vegetable peeler, cut thin slivers of the yellow skin in long ribbons. (Or if you have a zester, use that!) Make sure not to peel off the bitter white pith, just the outside will do.
  • Place peels in a jar and cover with vodka. Shake well.
  • Place in a dark cabinet for 4-6 weeks. Shake every few days for the first week, then occasionally after that.
  • When the extract has reached the intensity you prefer, strain peels and pour extract into a clean jar. Store in a dark cabinet or the fridge.

786 17

How To Make Lemon Extract


How to make lemon extract to flavor lemon sugar cookies, poppyseed muffins, lemon mousse and more.

How To Make Lemon Extract

  • Produce

    • 6 Lemons, Rind of large organic
  • Beer, Wine & Liquor

    • 1 cup Vodka

The first person this recipe

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How To Make Lemon Extract

How to make lemon extract to flavor lemon sugar cookies, poppyseed muffins, lemon mousse and more.