How To Pack the Perfect Salad in a Jar

How To Pack the Perfect Salad in a Jar

  • Serves: pint jars for side salads, quart jars for individual meal-sized salads, 2-quart jars (or larger) for multiple servings
How To Pack the Perfect Salad in a Jar

How To Pack the Perfect Salad in a Jar


  • Vegetarian
  • Gluten free


  • Condiments

    • 1 tbsp Salad dressing

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  • 1 to 4 tablespoons salad dressing
  • Serves: pint jars for side salads, quart jars for individual meal-sized salads, 2-quart jars (or larger) for multiple servings

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How To Pack the Perfect Salad in a Jar — Cooking Lessons from The Kitchn


We love our canning jars for everything from storing grains in the pantry to shaking cocktails in the park. But by far one of our most favorite ways to use our pint- and quart-sized canning jars is to pack them with salads. Yes, that's right, leafy green salads. Dressing goes on the bottom, veggies and other salad goodies get piled on top. Everything stays separate and dressing-free until you toss the salad together in the bowl — never eat another soggy lunch salad again. Even better, these salads last for days in the fridge so we can make a week's worth of lunches ahead of time.

How To Pack the Perfect Salad in a Jar

  • Condiments

    • 1 tbsp Salad dressing

The first person this recipe

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The Kitchn

How To Pack the Perfect Salad in a Jar — Cooking Lessons from The Kitchn

We love our canning jars for everything from storing grains in the pantry to shaking cocktails in the park. But by far one of our most favorite ways to use our pint- and quart-sized canning jars is to pack them with salads. Yes, that's right, leafy green salads. Dressing goes on the bottom, veggies and other salad goodies get piled on top. Everything stays separate and dressing-free until you toss the salad together in the bowl — never eat another soggy lunch salad again. Even better, these salads last for days in the fridge so we can make a week's worth of lunches ahead of time.