Ice Cream Cupcakes

Ice Cream Cupcakes

  • Serves: 20
Ice Cream Cupcakes

Ice Cream Cupcakes


  • Vegetarian


  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 Chocolate cake mix
  • Ingredients

    • 1 Frosting:
  • Frozen

    • 12 Ice cream cones

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These little babies are great to send with your child for a school bake sale, or class party. Try them at your childs next birthday party, and make an activity out of it.


  • 12 ice cream cones ( 12-20 colored or plain )
  • 1 chocolate cake mix ( Any cake mix will do )
  • 1 frosting ( Any Flavor )
  • 1/4 cup sprinkles maraschino cherries Directions A) Prepare cake mix, according to the box directions B) Place cones onto a cookie pan C) Fill cones about half way with batter (Do not over fill, allow room for the batter to rise, without spilling over) D) Bake 13-16 minutes E) Cool cones completely before topping with frosting & sprinkles. F) Use white icing, separate into 4 containers, add food coloring, ** Leave cones bare, Give each child their own plastic knives, allow the children to add their own frosting & sprinkles This will keep the children in one place. Instead of them all running through your house, hahaha The children will love this, I have no doubts! Servings 20 From Yum Mum Recipes Complementary Recipe(s) Skylander Birthday Cake Green Eggs & Ham Classroom Cupcakes Adapted from Traditional Cupcakes  
  • maraschino cherries Directions A) Prepare cake mix, according to the box directions B) Place cones onto a cookie pan C) Fill cones about half way with batter (Do not over fill, allow room for the batter to rise, without spilling over) D) Bake 13-16 minutes E) Cool cones completely before topping with frosting & sprinkles. F) Use white icing, separate into 4 containers, add food coloring, ** Leave cones bare, Give each child their own plastic knives, allow the children to add their own frosting & sprinkles This will keep the children in one place. Instead of them all running through your house, hahaha The children will love this, I have no doubts! Servings 20 From Yum Mum Recipes Complementary Recipe(s) Skylander Birthday Cake Green Eggs & Ham Classroom Cupcakes Adapted from Traditional Cupcakes  


  • A) Prepare cake mix, according to the box directions B) Place cones onto a cookie pan C) Fill cones about half way with batter (Do not over fill, allow room for the batter to rise, without spilling over) D) Bake 13-16 minutes E) Cool cones completely before topping with frosting & sprinkles. F) Use white icing, separate into 4 containers, add food coloring, ** Leave cones bare, Give each child their own plastic knives, allow the children to add their own frosting & sprinkles This will keep the children in one place. Instead of them all running through your house, hahaha The children will love this, I have no doubts!
  • Serves: 20

6151 777

Ice Cream Cupcakes


These little babies are great to send with your child for a school bake sale, or class party. Try them at your child's next birthday party, and make an activity out of it.

Ice Cream Cupcakes

  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 Chocolate cake mix
  • Ingredients

    • 1 Frosting:
  • Frozen

    • 12 Ice cream cones

The first person this recipe

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Ice Cream Cupcakes

These little babies are great to send with your child for a school bake sale, or class party. Try them at your child's next birthday party, and make an activity out of it.