Oreo Ornaments

Oreo Ornaments

  • Serves: 20-24
Oreo Ornaments

Oreo Ornaments


  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 pkg Vanilla candiquik
  • Other

    • About 20-24 Oreo Cookies
    • 20 24 miniature reese's pb cups

Found on


Sweet Treats Made Simple

Oreo cookies are dipped in Vanilla CandiQuik, then decorated to look like miniature, edible, DELICIOUS Christmas ornaments! Decorate to your hearts content using an assortment of candies, sprinkles, mints, icing, and more for a unique and incredible holiday treat!


  • About 20-24 Oreo Cookies
  • 1 pkg Vanilla CandiQuik
  • 20-24 Miniature Reeses PB Cups
  • Assorted candies/sprinkles (miniature M&Ms, Reeses Pieces, holiday sprinkles, dragees, frosting, chocolate, etc).


  • Melt the CandiQuik according to package directions, until smooth and melted. Dip each Oreo cookie into the CandiQuik using a fork, allowing excess chocolate to drip off. Place the coated Oreo onto a foil-lined baking sheet.
  • Immediately attach a miniature PB Cup on the top of the Oreo for the ornament topper. Then immediately decorate the Oreos with the assorted candies or sprinkles. Consider making striped, polka dot or chevron patterns, or any other pattern or arrangement youd like!
  • Allow the Oreos to set before serving or packaging.
  • Serves: 20-24


1914 132

Oreo Ornaments


If it were socially acceptable (or if my family would allow it I would be putting up Christmas decorations the day after Halloween. Christmas is my favorite holiday by far. I love the feeling in t...

Oreo Ornaments

  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 pkg Vanilla candiquik
  • Other

    • About 20-24 Oreo Cookies
    • 20 24 miniature reese's pb cups

The first person this recipe



1914 132

Found on blog.candiquik.com


Oreo Ornaments

If it were socially acceptable (or if my family would allow it I would be putting up Christmas decorations the day after Halloween. Christmas is my favorite holiday by far. I love the feeling in t...