Raspberry and Malteaser Ice Cream CakeDrooooool

Raspberry and Malteaser Ice Cream CakeDrooooool

  • Prepare: 30M
Raspberry and Malteaser Ice Cream CakeDrooooool

Raspberry and Malteaser Ice Cream CakeDrooooool


  • Produce

    • 1/2 cup Raspberries
  • Frozen

    • 8 cups Vanilla ice cream
  • Other

    • 1 1/2 Large Bags Malteasers
  • Time
  • Prepare: 30M

Found on


Raspberry and Malteaser Ice Cream CakeĀ is such a yummy dessert! So cheap & so easy to make! I normally make it the day before so it has time to freeze properly. Adjust the amount of Malteasers & raspberries to your…

  • Serves: 10
  • Prepare: 30 mins


497 0

Raspberry and Malteaser Ice Cream Cake | Stay at Home Mum


Raspberry and Malteaser Ice Cream Cake is such a yummy dessert! So cheap & easy to make! I normally make it the day before so it has time to freeze properly

Raspberry and Malteaser Ice Cream CakeDrooooool

  • Produce

    • 1/2 cup Raspberries
  • Frozen

    • 8 cups Vanilla ice cream
  • Other

    • 1 1/2 Large Bags Malteasers

The first person this recipe



497 0

Found on stayathomemum.com.au

Stay at Home Mum

Raspberry and Malteaser Ice Cream Cake | Stay at Home Mum

Raspberry and Malteaser Ice Cream Cake is such a yummy dessert! So cheap & easy to make! I normally make it the day before so it has time to freeze properly