Rough Puff (Quick and Easy Puff Pastry

Rough Puff (Quick and Easy Puff Pastry

  • Prepare: 15M
  • Total: 15M
Rough Puff (Quick and Easy Puff Pastry

Rough Puff (Quick and Easy Puff Pastry


  • Vegetarian


  • Baking & Spices

    • 125 g Flour
    • 1/4 tsp Sea salt, fine
  • Dairy

    • 140 g European-style unsalted butter, high-quality
    • 60 g Water or milk
  • Time
  • Prepare: 15M
  • Total: 15M

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  • 125 grams (4.4 ounces) flour (all-purpose, T55 in France), chilled if youve had the foresight
  • 140 grams (5 ounces) high-quality European-style unsalted butter, chilled and diced (if using demi-sel butter, omit the salt)
  • 1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
  • 60 grams (2.1 ounces) ice-cold water or milk


  • In a medium mixing bowl, place the flour, butter, and salt. Using a pastry blender, two knives, or a simple fork, cut the butter into the flour, stopping when the mixture looks crumbly but fairly even, with the average piece of butter about the size of a pea. Turn out onto a clean (and preferably cool) work surface, and form a well in the center.
  • Pour in the ice-cold water and work it gradually into the flour and butter mixture -- I like to use a bench scraper but a wooden spoon will do fine. Knead lightly just enough that the dough comes together into a ball -- do not overwork it -- and shape it into a rough square. There will still be chunks of butter visible in the dough.
  • Flour your work surface lightly. Using a lightly floured rolling pin, roll out the dough into a long rectangle, about 25 cm (10 inches) in length. Add more flour as needed underneath and on top of the dough to prevent sticking.
  • Dust the top of the dough with a pastry brush to remove excess flour, and fold the dough in three so the top and bottom overlap, dusting it again after the first fold (the idea is to avoid trapping in too much flour every time the dough is folded).
  • Without chilling, turn the dough by a quarter of a turn, and repeat the two previous steps of rolling and folding.
  • Turn it again, then roll and fold. Turn it again, then roll and fold. Youll have done this four times in total (feel free to do it 1 to 3 more times if youre having too much fun to stop and your kitchen is cool enough). Your rectangles will get neater and neater every time.
  • After the last fold, tap the top and sides of the dough with the rolling pin to give it an even, squarish shape. Put on a plate, cover, and refrigerate at least an hour before using.
  • Depending on how cold your refrigerator is, the dough may be ready to roll out straight from the fridge. If it seems too hard, let it rest at room temperature for 30 minutes before using.
  • Serves: Makes 325 grams (11 1/2 ounces) puff pastry, enough for one 25-to-30-cm (10-to-12-inch) tart.
  • Prepare: PT15M
  • TotalTime:

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Easy Puff Pastry: Rough Puff Recipe | Chocolate & Zucchini


Think making puff pastry is hard? Not so! Here's a genius recipe for easy puff pastry (or rough puff that's ready in minutes and deliciously flaky.

Rough Puff (Quick and Easy Puff Pastry

  • Baking & Spices

    • 125 g Flour
    • 1/4 tsp Sea salt, fine
  • Dairy

    • 140 g European-style unsalted butter, high-quality
    • 60 g Water or milk

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Chocolate & Zucchini

Easy Puff Pastry: Rough Puff Recipe | Chocolate & Zucchini

Think making puff pastry is hard? Not so! Here's a genius recipe for easy puff pastry (or rough puff that's ready in minutes and deliciously flaky.