String Art Wall Letters

String Art Wall Letters

String Art Wall Letters

String Art Wall Letters


  • Ingredients

    • White paint
    • MDF letters
    • Pencil
    • Drill and small drill bit
    • Small nails
    • Embroidery floss (2-3 skeins per letter
    • Command strips
  • Other

    • hammer
    • White craft glue

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crafts for adults and kid's crafts


  • White paint
  • MDF letters
  • Pencil
  • Drill and small drill bit
  • Small nails
  • Hammer
  • White craft glue
  • Embroidery floss (2-3 skeins per letter)
  • Command strips


  • Paint the letters white. It doesn’t need to be perfect, it will just give the string a bright background to bounce off of.
  • Use a pencil to mark small dots where you want your nails to go. Mine were approximately every half-inch.
  • Drill holes about halfway through the letter (don’t go all the way through the MDF), just to give the nail a head start.
  • Squeeze out a puddle of white glue onto a plate. Dip the tip of the nail into the glue then place it in a drilled hole.
  • Tap the nail 2-3 times with the hammer to seat it in the hole. The glue will help secure the nail in place.
  • Choose where you want to start your string and tie the string in a knot around a nail, just underneath the nail head. Add a dab of white glue to the knot. Don’t trim off the excess string right away, allow the glue to set while you move on to the next step.
  • TIP: Hold the string taught the entire time you are wrapping. If you loosen it, your hard work will unravel.
  • Do a border first by wrapping to string once around the second nail, then around the third nail and so on.
  • If doing two colors on one letter like I did, decide where you want the color to stop and pull the string across the letter to the other side. Continue the border around the letter until you finish where you started.
  • Now wrap the string back and forth across the letter using a zig-zag pattern.
  • When going around curves you will not have an even number of nails across from each other. You will need to wrap one nail multiple times as you zig zag.
  • Go over the string pattern a second time then do the border again. Each time you need to tie off the string when it ends, be sure to add glue to the knot.
  • TIP: Occasionally the trailing end of your string may tangle. Because you must keep the string taught to avoid unravelling your project, place a heavy object on your string (I used my drill) so that your hands can be freed to untangle the end.
  • When you are finished and the glue has had a chance to set, use a tiny set of sewing scissors to carefully trim off excess strings from any knots.
  • To hang your letters, place Command Strips on the back and gently but firmly press to the wall.

4410 327

String Art - Colorful Wall Letters


I’ve seen several string art projects around lately. String art is time consuming, but the end result is beautiful and well worth the effort.

String Art Wall Letters

  • Ingredients

    • White paint
    • MDF letters
    • Pencil
    • Drill and small drill bit
    • Small nails
    • Embroidery floss (2-3 skeins per letter
    • Command strips
  • Other

    • hammer
    • White craft glue

The first person this recipe

4410 327

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Crafts by Amanda

String Art - Colorful Wall Letters

I’ve seen several string art projects around lately. String art is time consuming, but the end result is beautiful and well worth the effort.