BBQ Pulled Pork

BBQ Pulled Pork

  • Serves: Serves 6
BBQ Pulled Pork

BBQ Pulled Pork


  • Gluten free
  • Paleo


  • Meat

    • 1 Pastured pork butt or shoulder of about 1 1/2 kg
  • Produce

    • 4 cloves Garlic
  • Condiments

    • 1 1/2 cups Bbq sauce

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  • A pastured pork butt or shoulder of about 1½ kg
  • 1½ cups BBQ Sauce
  • 4-6 cloves garlic, smashed


  • Remove netting from roast if present. Season pork generously with salt and pepper and cover it with BBQ Sauce (you’ll need about ¼ cup)
  • Put the meat in a resealable plastic bag, close it nice and tight and refrigerate overnight or at least 6 hours.
  • Place the meat in a Dutch oven, add garlic cloves and enough water to half cover the roast. Put the lid on and cook in a 250F oven for 5 hours.
  • Drain all but about 1 cup of the liquid that’s left at the bottom of the Dutch oven (don’t throw it out, though, that stuff is delicious! You’ll want to hang on to it and use it in soups or sauces)
  • Use two forks to pull the meat into strands and mix that with the remaining cooking liquid. Add the rest of the BBQ sauce and mix until well combined.
  • Put the lid back on and return to oven for about 30 minutes or until nice and warm.


Nutrition Information Serving size: NF based on 1 of 6 servings
  • Serves: Serves 6

478 0

BBQ Pulled Pork


Made entirely from scratch, even the sauce, this BBQ pulled pork recipe is simply "throw you off your chair" delicious. Comfort food to the 10th power!

BBQ Pulled Pork

  • Meat

    • 1 Pastured pork butt or shoulder of about 1 1/2 kg
  • Produce

    • 4 cloves Garlic
  • Condiments

    • 1 1/2 cups Bbq sauce

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The Healthy Foodie

BBQ Pulled Pork

Made entirely from scratch, even the sauce, this BBQ pulled pork recipe is simply "throw you off your chair" delicious. Comfort food to the 10th power!