Best Birthday Cake Frosting (she: Sierra

Best Birthday Cake Frosting (she: Sierra

Best Birthday Cake Frosting (she: Sierra

Best Birthday Cake Frosting (she: Sierra


  • Ingredients

    • *2 Sticks of butter (one cup
    • *1 8oz package of cream cheese
    • *1 Tablespoon of Heavy Whipping Cream (depending on desired consistency
    • *1 Teaspoon of Vanilla Extract
    • *1 Teaspoon of Coconut Extract
    • *1 lb Powdered Sugar

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the mother lode of ideas

The Best Birthday Cake Frosting


  • *2 Sticks of butter (one cup)
  • *1 8oz package of cream cheese
  • *1 Tablespoon of Heavy Whipping Cream (depending on desired consistency)
  • *1 Teaspoon of Vanilla Extract
  • *1 Teaspoon of Coconut Extract
  • *1 lb Powdered Sugar


  • Cream together the butter and cream cheese until smooth in a large mixer.
  • Add in Vanilla and Coconut extracts.
  • Slowly mix in powdered sugar.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of Whipping cream (less or more) until you get desired consistency.


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The BEST Birthday Cake Frosting (she: Sierra


Sierra is sharing her recipe for birthday cake frosting and it's seriously the best. It's delicious and versatile enough to be used on all your treats.

Best Birthday Cake Frosting (she: Sierra

  • Ingredients

    • *2 Sticks of butter (one cup
    • *1 8oz package of cream cheese
    • *1 Tablespoon of Heavy Whipping Cream (depending on desired consistency
    • *1 Teaspoon of Vanilla Extract
    • *1 Teaspoon of Coconut Extract
    • *1 lb Powdered Sugar

The first person this recipe

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Or so she says...

The BEST Birthday Cake Frosting (she: Sierra

Sierra is sharing her recipe for birthday cake frosting and it's seriously the best. It's delicious and versatile enough to be used on all your treats.