Burger Balls

Burger Balls

Burger Balls

Burger Balls


  • Gluten free


  • Meat

    • 1/2 cup Bacon bits, real
    • 2 lbs Ground beef
  • Produce

    • 1 (110g onion, small
    • 3 (9g garlic cloves
  • Refrigerated

    • 1 (50g egg, large
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 Salt and pepper
  • Oils & Vinegars

    • 1/4 cup Cooking oil
  • Dairy

    • 1/2 lb Cheddar cheese

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I receive a lot of requests for kid friendly recipes. I think this qualifies! Us adults might even like them! Theyre little more than small bacon cheddar stuffed meatballs, but the overall structure, design and flavor is that of a cheeseburger with bacon. Ive also got a little bit of caramelized onions and garlic actually mixed into the meat. This is to imply that our burger is also topped with caramelized onions. YUM! Aside from the fact that these are like small little hamburger bites, theres also just the nonsensical name. Im POSITIVE that if Burger Balls had been in my mothers repertoire growing up, that it would become a bit of a weekly backseat chant, between my younger brother and I. Mom, we want burger balls! Mom? Can we have burger balls? Hey MOM! When are you gunna make us burger balls? MOM! BURGER BALLS! BURGER BALLS! BURGER BALLS!!! This would end with us singing in unison, like only two young persistently irritating boys can! Photos are taken with sugar free ketchup.


  • 1/2 lb (227g)  cheddar cheese, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
  • 1/4 cup (54g)  cooking oil, divided (ghee, bacon fat, olive oil, coconut oil, etc.)
  • 3 each (9g)  garlic cloves, diced
  • 1 small (110g)  onion, diced
  • 2 lbs (908g)  ground beef (80 lean/20 fat)
  • 1 large (50g)  egg
  • 1/2 cup (56.8g)  real bacon bits
  • salt and pepper, to taste


  • Before you do anything, make sure your cheese is cut into 1/2-inch cubes, then place them in the freezer, while you work on the rest of the ingredients. You arent necessarily looking to FREEZE the cheese, so much as give it a nice chill.Pre-heat oven to 450 F.Place a sauté pan over medium heat on the stove. When it is warm, add 2 tbsp of your cooking oil. When the oil begins to ripple in the pan, add your onions and garlic. Season with a little salt and pepper. Cook for about 7 to 10 minutes, or until nice, soft and caramelized. Turn off the heat and set aside.In a mixing bowl, add your beef, egg and warm onion mixture. Combine mixture well.Form into small 1-1/2 to 2 inch balls. Press the balls with your palms to make them very slightly flat. Push a small amount of bacon bits and a single cheddar cube from the freezer into the center of the beef disc. Form the rest of the beef around the cheese and bacon and press together the ground beef, to form a tight seal. Roll the balls to form a more perfect and well sealed beef sphere.Pre-heat a large oven-proof sauté pan over high heat on the stove.While the pan is heating, season the outside of your burger balls with a little bit of salt and pepper.Add your remaining 2 tbsp of cooking oil to the pan. When the oil ripples, add your burger balls to the pan, so that they are not touching. If they are too crowded, the pan will cool down and you wont get a nice sear. You may need two pans for this.Sear the outside of your burger balls, moving them around the pan to try and gain a nice brown sear on the outside. After about 2 minutes of searing, place the whole pan in the hot oven for about 5 to 7 minutes.Remove from the oven and serve!


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Burger Balls


These Burger Balls are little more than small bacon cheddar stuffed meatballs, but the overall structure and flavor is that of a cheeseburger with bacon.

Burger Balls

  • Meat

    • 1/2 cup Bacon bits, real
    • 2 lbs Ground beef
  • Produce

    • 1 (110g onion, small
    • 3 (9g garlic cloves
  • Refrigerated

    • 1 (50g egg, large
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 Salt and pepper
  • Oils & Vinegars

    • 1/4 cup Cooking oil
  • Dairy

    • 1/2 lb Cheddar cheese

The first person this recipe



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Found on djfoodie.com


Burger Balls

These Burger Balls are little more than small bacon cheddar stuffed meatballs, but the overall structure and flavor is that of a cheeseburger with bacon.