Caramello Candy Bar

Caramello Candy Bar

  • Prepare: 5M
  • Cook: 10M
  • Total: 15M
Caramello Candy Bar

Caramello Candy Bar


  • Baking & Spices

    • 1/8 tsp Celtic sea salt
    • 2 oz Cocoa butter
    • 1 tsp Vanilla
  • Dairy

    • 6 tbsp Butter, Organic
    • 1/2 cup Heavy whipping cream, organic
  • Other

    • Add ½ to 1 oz unsweetened baking chocolate (depending on how dark you like it
    • ⅓ cup Swerve confectioners
  • Time
  • Prepare: 5M
  • Cook: 10M
  • Total: 15M

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  • 1 cup Swerve confectioners
  • 6 TBS organic butter
  • ½ cup organic heavy whipping cream
  • 2 oz cocoa butter
  • ⅓ cup Swerve confectioners
  • 1 tsp vanilla (OR other extract like MINT)
  • ⅛ tsp Celtic sea salt
  • Add ¼ oz unsweetened baking chocolate
  • Add ½ to 1 oz unsweetened baking chocolate (depending on how dark you like it)


  • Before you begin, make sure you have everything ready to go - the cream and the butter next to the pan, ready to put in. If you dont work fast, the sweetener will burn. Heat butter on high heat in a heavy-bottomed 2-quart or 3-quart saucepan. As soon as it comes to a boil, watch for specks of brown (this is brown butter....SO GOOD on veggies!). Immediately add the Swerve and the cream to the pan. Whisk until caramel sauce is smooth. Let cool in the pan for a couple minutes, then pour into a glass mason jar and let sit to cool to room temperature. Store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
  • Place cocoa butter in a double boiler and heat on medium high until fully melted (or microwave safe bowl and heat on high for one minute, check and heat for 30 seconds until melted). Melting cocoa butter takes longer than traditional fats.
  • Stir in natural sweetener.
  • Stir in extracts and salt.
  • Place melted chocolate into candy bar mold, enough to to cover the bottom and sides, and cool in refrigerator until white chocolate is solid, about an hour. Or the speedy method; you can place the molds in a freezer till they are set up, which will only take a couple of minutes versus and hour.
  • Once cool, fill the divots with caramel and set in freezer to set.
  • Once the caramel is set, remove from freezer and cover with additional melted chocolate.
  • Serves: 24
  • Prepare: 5 mins
  • Cook Time: 10 mins
  • TotalTime:

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low carb caramello, sugar free caramello, low carb chocolate,


low carb caramello, sugar free caramello, low carb chocolate, sugar free chocolate, weight watcher chocolate, caramello candy bar recipe, paleo chocolate

Caramello Candy Bar

  • Baking & Spices

    • 1/8 tsp Celtic sea salt
    • 2 oz Cocoa butter
    • 1 tsp Vanilla
  • Dairy

    • 6 tbsp Butter, Organic
    • 1/2 cup Heavy whipping cream, organic
  • Other

    • Add ½ to 1 oz unsweetened baking chocolate (depending on how dark you like it
    • ⅓ cup Swerve confectioners

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Maria Mind Body Health

low carb caramello, sugar free caramello, low carb chocolate,

low carb caramello, sugar free caramello, low carb chocolate, sugar free chocolate, weight watcher chocolate, caramello candy bar recipe, paleo chocolate