Chocolate Bowls

Chocolate Bowls

Chocolate Bowls

Chocolate Bowls


  • Vegan
  • Gluten free


  • Baking & Spices

    • 2 cups Chocolate chips, white

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  • Using a microwave and in a microwave-safe bowl, melt ¾ of the chocolate chips in 30-second intervals, stirring after each interval, until the chocolate is completely melted and smooth.Add in the remaining chocolate chips and stir together until all of the chocolate is melted and smooth. If needed, return to the microwave and heat in 10-second intervals, until the chocolate is just melted.Line the outsides of the bowls you want to use as molds with either wax paper, foil or parchment paper. (If using foil, spray with a little non-stick spray after wrapping the bowls.) Place the bowls upside-down on a sheet pan lined with parchment paper or wax paper.Transfer the melted chocolate to a pastry bag or a zip-top bag. Cut a small hole in the tip of the pastry bag or zip-top bag. Test the size of the hole by squeezing a little chocolate out to make sure that it is flowing easily and in even lines. If the lines are squiggly, cut a slightly larger hole from the end of your bag.Squeeze chocolate over the lined bowls, one at a time, in a loopy, overlapping pattern, until you have covered the surface of the bowl molds. Make sure to use a lot of overlapping lines. The pattern should look delicate, but if it is too delicate, the bowls will break easily.TipHeroRepeat the process until all of the molds are covered.To make the bottoms of the bowls flatter and to help them sit upright, either pipe an overlapping ring on the bottom of each of the bowl molds, or gently place a piece of flat plastic on the top of each bowl mold (i.e. what will be the bottom of each chocolate bowl) after finishing piping.Leave the chocolate bowls to set at room temperature for at least an hour.TipHeroOnce chocolate has set, very gently remove the chocolate and lining from each mold. Peel the wax paper, parchment or foil away from the chocolate. Try to avoid touching the chocolate too much, as the heat from your hands will begin to melt the chocolate.TipHeroStore chocolate bowls in a plastic container for several weeks in a cool place. Use to serve your favorite cold desserts and/or fruit.

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Chocolate Bowls Recipe & Video | TipHero


Take dessert to the next level by eating it out of ANOTHER delectable dessert: Chocolate Bowls! They're perfect for ice cream, fruit, or any treat you love.

Chocolate Bowls

  • Baking & Spices

    • 2 cups Chocolate chips, white

The first person this recipe

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Chocolate Bowls Recipe & Video | TipHero

Take dessert to the next level by eating it out of ANOTHER delectable dessert: Chocolate Bowls! They're perfect for ice cream, fruit, or any treat you love.