Christmas Tree Fruit Platter

Christmas Tree Fruit Platter

  • Total: 30M
Christmas Tree Fruit Platter

Christmas Tree Fruit Platter


  • Produce

    • 1 Blackberries
    • 1 Grapes, dried and halved
    • 1 Raspberries
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 Gold sprinkles
  • Snacks

    • 1 Apple and a mini star cookie cutter
    • 2 Graham crackers, store bought
  • Other

    • string, for tying the presents
    • wooden slices or other tree trunk suggestions (pretzel sticks, chocolate covered raisins, brown m&ms to make tree trunk
  • Time
  • Total: 30M

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  • one apple and a mini star cookie cutter
  • grapes, washed, dried and halved
  • raspberries, washed and dried
  • blackberries, washed and dried
  • 2 store bought graham crackers, to make the rectangular and square presents
  • string, for tying the presents
  • wooden slices or other tree trunk suggestions (pretzel sticks, chocolate covered raisins, brown m&ms) to make tree trunk
  • gold sprinkles


  • Wash and dry all of the fruit. Cut the grapes in half. Slice an apple into rounds and use a mini star cookie cutter to cut out 2 stars from the apple. To assemble the tree, begin by placing the grapes near the bottom of the platter. Make sure you leave enough room at the bottom of the platter to add the trunk and presents. For the first layer of fruit (going from the bottom to the top) add 2 rows of grapes, 1 row of raspberries, 2 rows of grapes, 1 row of blackberries, 2 rows of grapes, 1 row of raspberries, and then 4 rows of grapes. As you are adding the fruit, be sure to taper the shape so it looks like a christmas tree. Add a second layer of fruit on top of the layer you just created – 1 row of grapes, 1 row of raspberries, 2 rows of grapes, 1 row of blackberries, 2 rows of grapes, 1 row of raspberries, and then 3 rows of grapes. Place the star at the very top of the tree. Add your tree trunk to the base of the tree. To assemble the presents, make 2 square presents out of 4 square graham cracker pieces, using 2 for each present. Make 2 rectangular presents out of 4 rectangular graham cracker pieces, using 2 for each present. Use red and gold string to tie the graham crackers together. Place tie side down on the platter underneath the tree. Finish by adding gold sprinkles to the star and around the top of the tree on the platter.
  • TotalTime:

6595 476

Christmas Tree Fruit Platter | The First Year


Create a healthy fruit platter for Christmas in the shape of a christmas tree using an apple, grapes, raspberries, blackberries, and graham crackers!

Christmas Tree Fruit Platter

  • Produce

    • 1 Blackberries
    • 1 Grapes, dried and halved
    • 1 Raspberries
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 Gold sprinkles
  • Snacks

    • 1 Apple and a mini star cookie cutter
    • 2 Graham crackers, store bought
  • Other

    • string, for tying the presents
    • wooden slices or other tree trunk suggestions (pretzel sticks, chocolate covered raisins, brown m&ms to make tree trunk

The first person this recipe

6595 476

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The First Year

Christmas Tree Fruit Platter | The First Year

Create a healthy fruit platter for Christmas in the shape of a christmas tree using an apple, grapes, raspberries, blackberries, and graham crackers!