Cinnamon Roll Pancake & Waffle Syrup

Cinnamon Roll Pancake & Waffle Syrup

  • Prepare: 5M
  • Cook: 10M
  • Total: 15M
Cinnamon Roll Pancake & Waffle Syrup

Cinnamon Roll Pancake & Waffle Syrup


  • Vegetarian
  • Gluten free


  • Baking & Spices

    • 2 cups Brown sugar, packed light
    • 2 tsp Cinnamon, ground
    • 1 tsp Vanilla
  • Dairy

    • 1/2 cup Butter, salted
  • Liquids

    • 1 1/4 cups Water
  • Time
  • Prepare: 5M
  • Cook: 10M
  • Total: 15M

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  • Measure brown sugar and water into a medium pot and place over medium high heat. Bring to boil and reduce heat to a moderate simmer and cook 4 minutes. Turn burner to low and whisk in butter, 1 pat at a time until completely melted. Remove from heat and stir in cinnamon and vanilla {mixture will bubble violently with the addition of vanilla fyi}
  • Serve warm over waffles or pancakes.
  • Serves: 2 1/2 cups of syrup
  • Prepare: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 10 minutes
  • TotalTime:

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Cinnamon Roll Pancake & Waffle Syrup


Yesterday, I got back from Las Vegas as part of a fun girl's trip and my husband got back from his Army training! Yay! My little family is back together again. It always does my heart good to see how much my kids love and miss their Dad so, to have him home is wonderful! Since I'm just getting settled back in, I thought I'd share this quick recipe to go with my updated Instant Pancake and Waffle Mix. I originally made this syrup recipe because I started making waffles for my daughter and her friends who were having a

Cinnamon Roll Pancake & Waffle Syrup

  • Baking & Spices

    • 2 cups Brown sugar, packed light
    • 2 tsp Cinnamon, ground
    • 1 tsp Vanilla
  • Dairy

    • 1/2 cup Butter, salted
  • Liquids

    • 1 1/4 cups Water

The first person this recipe

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Lauren's Latest

Cinnamon Roll Pancake & Waffle Syrup

Yesterday, I got back from Las Vegas as part of a fun girl's trip and my husband got back from his Army training! Yay! My little family is back together again. It always does my heart good to see how much my kids love and miss their Dad so, to have him home is wonderful! Since I'm just getting settled back in, I thought I'd share this quick recipe to go with my updated Instant Pancake and Waffle Mix. I originally made this syrup recipe because I started making waffles for my daughter and her friends who were having a