Elderberry Tincture

Elderberry Tincture

Elderberry Tincture

Elderberry Tincture


  • Produce

    • 1 Elderberries
  • Beer, Wine & Liquor

    • 1 Vodka
  • Tools & Equipment

    • 1 glass Pint or quart jar
  • Other

    • Bowl
    • dark colored bottles
    • funnels (optional
    • lid
    • mesh strainer, tea towel, or old clean t-shirt
    • brown paper bag

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Dish up the simple joy of healthy, down-home foods your family will LOVE… tonight.

Elderberries fight the influenza virus and H1N1 while strengthening the immune system. They contain high amounts of Vitamin C, in addition to moderate amounts of Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, and iron. They are also a mild anti-inflammatory. And, they are EASY to make into a tincture!

Katie is a military wife and mother of 4. She is passionate about family, food and serving the LORD. By day you may find her changing diapers, folding laundry, home educating her older children, and cooking three meals a day with a baby on her hip next to a sink of dirty dishes. By night she writes and shares recipes, tips, and tutorials for economical, nourishing and simple gluten-free foods at Simple Foody. Join Katie and the Simple Foody Community on Facebook for encouragement on your journey to healthier living.


  • elderberries (dehydrated or fresh)
  • glass pint or quart jar
  • lid
  • vodka (80 proof at minimum)
  • mesh strainer, tea towel, or old clean t-shirt
  • bowl
  • funnels (optional)
  • dark colored bottles
  • brown paper bag


  • Fill pint or quart jar half full with elderberries.
  • Next, fill with vodka, leaving 1 inch of head space.
  • Cap jar and give it a good shake to the chorus of ‘Jump in the Line’ by Harry Belafonte or ‘Shake it Up’ by The Cars. 😉
  • Label jar for contents and date, place in a brown paper bag, and set in a dark cool area for 4 to 6 weeks.
  • Once infusion time is up, strain through a fine mesh strainer, tea towel, or old clean t-shirt.
  • Then discard the berries. Some folks eat the Sambucus nigra elderberries raw as these are not toxic when fully ripened. I personally chose not to do this, and I discard them. If you’ve researched it and feel safe eating them, rinse your berries after tincture making and add to oatmeal or granola.
  • Now you have a tincture! Pour into clean, sterile, dark colored bottles. No dark bottles? Don’t fret, use a clean, sterile pint jar. Just place the jar back into a paper bag to shield the tincture from light.
  • When your immune system is compromised or you’re coming down with the flu or a cold, take 1 teaspoon of elderberry tincture 3 times a day.
  • Since tinctures can be rough to take straight, dilute in 8 ounces of water for easy drinking.
  • Giving tincture to children? Place 1 teaspoon of tincture in hot water (think hot like for herbal tea). This will evaporate the alcohol. Once cool, give to the child to drink.


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How To Make An Elderberry Tincture


Concentrate the powerful benefits of immune-boosting elderberries by learning how to make an elderberry tincture! Here's our simple recipe!

Elderberry Tincture

  • Produce

    • 1 Elderberries
  • Beer, Wine & Liquor

    • 1 Vodka
  • Tools & Equipment

    • 1 glass Pint or quart jar
  • Other

    • Bowl
    • dark colored bottles
    • funnels (optional
    • lid
    • mesh strainer, tea towel, or old clean t-shirt
    • brown paper bag

The first person this recipe



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Found on traditionalcookingschool.com

Traditional Cooking School by GNOWFGLINS

How To Make An Elderberry Tincture

Concentrate the powerful benefits of immune-boosting elderberries by learning how to make an elderberry tincture! Here's our simple recipe!