Fillet of silver mullet with grilled spring onions, cucumber, confit tomatoes and sauce vierge

Fillet of silver mullet with grilled spring onions, cucumber, confit tomatoes and sauce vierge

  • Cook: 1H 10M
Fillet of silver mullet with grilled spring onions, cucumber, confit tomatoes and sauce vierge

Fillet of silver mullet with grilled spring onions, cucumber, confit tomatoes and sauce vierge


  • Gluten free


  • Seafood

    • 4 Silver mullet, fillet
  • Produce

    • 8 Basil, leaves
    • 1 Cucumber
    • 2 Garlic cloves
    • 4 Plum tomatoes
    • 8 Spring onions
  • Baking & Spices

    • 20 g Cornish sea salt
    • 1 pinch Salt
    • 1 pinch Sugar
  • Oils & Vinegars

    • 1 Oil
    • 50 ml Olive oil, Extra Virgin
    • 20 ml Olive oil
  • Drinks

    • 50 ml Orange juice
  • Time
  • Cook: 1H 10M

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Silver mullet - which is also known as grey mullet - is a fantastic sustainable seafood option which carries a similar flavour to sea bass and remains available all year round. Here, Simon Hulstone uses the fish as the centrepiece to a wonderfully simple recipe.

Silver mullet - which is also known as grey mullet - is a fantastic sustainable seafood option which carries a similar flavour to sea bass and remains available all year round. Here, Simon Hulstone uses the fish as the centrepiece to a wonderfully simple recipe.


  • 4 Silver mullet fillet, 150g each
  • oil
  • 50ml of extra virgin olive oil
  • 50ml of orange juice
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of sugar
  • 8 basil leaves, finely shredded
  • 1 cucumber, peeled
  • 4 plum tomatoes
  • 8 spring onions
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 20g of Cornish sea salt
  • 20ml of olive oil


  • Cut the cucumber into 1cm thick discs and set aside, peel and quarter the tomatoes and deseed.
  • Place the tomato quarters on a tray and slice a very thin slither of garlic and place on top of each quarter, season with the sea salt and drizzle with the olive oil. Place in an oven at 75c for about 20 minutes or leave - if time allows - for a few hours on 55c
  • Blanch the spring onions in boiling water for 1 minute, place into cold water to refresh
  • In a griddle pan, sear the spring onions and colour lightly, set aside once coloured
  • In a non stick frying pan, fry the mullet skin side until the skin is crisp but not over coloured, flip over and finish cooking flesh side down
  • For the sauce, combine the orange juice, oil, salt and sugar and blend, adding the finely shred basil once the sauce has combined
  • To serve, quickly pan-fry the cucumber slices but do not let them colour, place on the plate and scatter the tomato petals around. Lay the grilled spring onions down. Top with the cooked mullet and finish with the sauce vierge, drizzling all over
  • Serves: 4
  • Prepare:
  • Cook Time: PT1H10M

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Silver Mullet, Cucumber, Tomato & Sauce Vierge - Great British Chefs


This silver mullet recipe, or grey mullet as it is also known, is served with spring onions, cucumber and confit tomatoes - sauce vierge adds extra zest

Fillet of silver mullet with grilled spring onions, cucumber, confit tomatoes and sauce vierge

  • Seafood

    • 4 Silver mullet, fillet
  • Produce

    • 8 Basil, leaves
    • 1 Cucumber
    • 2 Garlic cloves
    • 4 Plum tomatoes
    • 8 Spring onions
  • Baking & Spices

    • 20 g Cornish sea salt
    • 1 pinch Salt
    • 1 pinch Sugar
  • Oils & Vinegars

    • 1 Oil
    • 50 ml Olive oil, Extra Virgin
    • 20 ml Olive oil
  • Drinks

    • 50 ml Orange juice

The first person this recipe

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Great British Chefs

Silver Mullet, Cucumber, Tomato & Sauce Vierge - Great British Chefs

This silver mullet recipe, or grey mullet as it is also known, is served with spring onions, cucumber and confit tomatoes - sauce vierge adds extra zest