Fluffy Brown Sugar Icing (Pat’s Recipes

Fluffy Brown Sugar Icing (Pat’s Recipes

  • Serves: makes about 6 cups
Fluffy Brown Sugar Icing (Pat’s Recipes

Fluffy Brown Sugar Icing (Pat’s Recipes


  • Vegetarian
  • Gluten free


  • Refrigerated

    • 4 Egg whites
  • Condiments

    • 1/2 cup Corn syrup
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 cup Brown sugar, packed
    • 2 tsp Vanilla
  • Liquids

    • 1/4 cup Water

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  • 1 cup brown sugar (packed)
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/2 cup corn syrup
  • 4 egg whites*
  • 2 tsp vanilla


  • Mix brown sugar, water and corn syrup in a medium saucepan. Bring to a full rolling boil. (Be careful, as it will rise, so make sure the sides of your pan are taller). Let it boil at medium to medium high until the syrup drops like a hair from spoon (approximately 10 minutes). Remove from burner and set aside.
  • Meanwhile, beat egg whites until stiff.
  • SLOWLY pour the hot syrup in a THIN stream into egg whites, beating constantly. Beat until icing holds peaks, then blend in vanilla.
  • Let cool to room temp, then store covered in the fridge until ready to use.
  • Enjoy!
  • Serves: makes about 6 cups


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Fluffy Brown Sugar Icing {Pat's Recipes}


(iwashyoudry.com Fluffy Brown Sugar Icing! It tastes like a fluffy caramel marshmallow in a spreadable frosting form!

Fluffy Brown Sugar Icing (Pat’s Recipes

  • Refrigerated

    • 4 Egg whites
  • Condiments

    • 1/2 cup Corn syrup
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 cup Brown sugar, packed
    • 2 tsp Vanilla
  • Liquids

    • 1/4 cup Water

The first person this recipe



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Found on iwashyoudry.com

I Wash... You Dry

Fluffy Brown Sugar Icing {Pat's Recipes}

(iwashyoudry.com Fluffy Brown Sugar Icing! It tastes like a fluffy caramel marshmallow in a spreadable frosting form!