Funky Junk's Mom's Homemade Hot Cocoa

Funky Junk's Mom's Homemade Hot Cocoa

  • Prepare: 15 min
Funky Junk's Mom's Homemade Hot Cocoa

Funky Junk's Mom's Homemade Hot Cocoa


  • Vegetarian
  • Gluten free


  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 Cocoa
    • 1 Sugar
  • Dairy

    • 1 Milk

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If you havent tried homemade cocoa before, youre missing out. Youll put away the instant in an instant. Enjoy!


  • Cocoa
  • Milk
  • Sugar to taste


  • In a heavy pot or large double boiler, pour in 1 cup or mug of milk per person (or more). Sift 1 tablespoon of cocoa into the milk, per person. Add 2 teaspoons sugar, per person. Whisk contents inside the pot until well blended. Allow milk to just scald, stirring constantly, so it doesnt burn. Ladle into mugs, then top with mini marshmallows. Enjoy! Youll just love it!
  • Prepare: 15 min

792 54

homemade hot cocoa with a cute compact station


If you love hot chocolate, you'll enjoy this recipe for homemade hot cocoa with a cute compact station, made with just 2 mason jars and a crate.

Funky Junk's Mom's Homemade Hot Cocoa

  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 Cocoa
    • 1 Sugar
  • Dairy

    • 1 Milk

The first person this recipe

792 54

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Funky Junk Interiors

homemade hot cocoa with a cute compact station

If you love hot chocolate, you'll enjoy this recipe for homemade hot cocoa with a cute compact station, made with just 2 mason jars and a crate.