Grass-fed Butter Mints

Grass-fed Butter Mints

Grass-fed Butter Mints

Grass-fed Butter Mints


  • Vegetarian
  • Gluten free


  • Condiments

    • 1/4 cup Honey, raw
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1/2 tsp Peppermint extract
    • 1 Salt
    • 1 tsp Vanilla extract
  • Dairy

    • 8 oz Butter, grass fed

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  • 8 ounces grass-fed butter
  • 1/4 cup raw honey
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract
  • Salt to taste, if using unsalted butter


  • Allow butter to soften on your counter for several hours. The ideal consistency is slightly squishy but still completely solid. Sometimes I dont plan ahead well and my butter is still quite hard, but thats okay, too. It just might take a little more time and attention to get everything mixed together.
  • Cut butter into four or so large pieces and add to your food processor. Add honey, vanilla extract, peppermint extract, and optional salt (if youre using unsalted butter).
  • Process until everything is evenly mixed and you no longer have any large chunks of butter. You may need to scrape down the bowl of your food processor a couple of times. If your butter was on the colder side, you may also need to break up any chunks of butter that have gotten stuck on the food processor blades.
  • Line a cutting board or other flat surface with parchment paper. Plop dollops of butter mints onto the parchment paper. You can make your mints as small or as large as you want.
  • Transfer your filled cutting board to the freezer to firm up the mints. If you made a large batch, you may need to fill up your cutting board a second time.
  • Once butter mints are hardened, transfer to a lidded container and store in your freezer.

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Grass-fed Butter Mints - Whole Natural Life


Add more healthy fats to your diet with these easy butter mints. Made with grass-fed butter, they're a delicious way to eat more nutrient-rich butter!

Grass-fed Butter Mints

  • Condiments

    • 1/4 cup Honey, raw
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1/2 tsp Peppermint extract
    • 1 Salt
    • 1 tsp Vanilla extract
  • Dairy

    • 8 oz Butter, grass fed

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Whole Natural Life

Grass-fed Butter Mints - Whole Natural Life

Add more healthy fats to your diet with these easy butter mints. Made with grass-fed butter, they're a delicious way to eat more nutrient-rich butter!