Hot Custard

Hot Custard

  • Serves: 1
Hot Custard

Hot Custard


  • Refrigerated

    • 1/2 cup Almond milk, unsweetened
    • 1 Egg
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 Hearty pinch Salt
    • 1 Hearty dash Vanilla extract
  • Dairy

    • 1 tbsp Butter
  • Other

    • 2 Doonks (a doonk is 1/32 tsp. thm pure stevia extract powder
    • ⅛ tsp. glucomannan (you could probably substitute xanthan gum

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Disciple, photographer, horse trainer, and ice cream fanatic

THM: Deep S, Low-carb, Sugar free, Gluten/peanut free


  • 1 egg
  • 1 T butter (you can use coconut oil, but the custard is not as rich-tasting)
  • ½ cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 2 doonks (a doonk is 1/32 tsp.) THM Pure Stevia Extract Powder
  • Hearty dash vanilla extract
  • Hearty pinch salt (this really brings out the flavors)
  • ⅛ tsp. glucomannan (you could probably substitute xanthan gum)


  • In a small saucepan, whisk the egg well. Add all the other ingredients except the glucomannan and whisk again until well-combined. Whisk in the glucomannan quickly to avoid clumping (tip: sprinkle it in while whisking). Put the saucepan over medium heat or a little higher and whisk constantly until the custard is thickened. This happens almost instantaneously when the temperature reaches a certain point and the egg solidifies - pull the custard off the burner immediately. Do not overcook or it gets more eggy.
  • You can top this custard with more butter and some cinnamon if you like (or dont use the whole tablespoon of butter/coconut oil in the custard and use it on the top instead).
  • Serves: 1

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Hot Custard

  • Refrigerated

    • 1/2 cup Almond milk, unsweetened
    • 1 Egg
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 Hearty pinch Salt
    • 1 Hearty dash Vanilla extract
  • Dairy

    • 1 tbsp Butter
  • Other

    • 2 Doonks (a doonk is 1/32 tsp. thm pure stevia extract powder
    • ⅛ tsp. glucomannan (you could probably substitute xanthan gum

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