How to Can Tomato Sauce

How to Can Tomato Sauce

How to Can Tomato Sauce

How to Can Tomato Sauce


  • Vegan
  • Gluten free
  • Paleo


  • Produce

    • 1 Tomatoes, ripe
  • Condiments

    • 1 Lemon juice, bottled

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  • Ripe tomatoes
  • Bottled lemon juice


  • 1. Wash and core the tomatoes.
  • 2. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add the tomatoes and let them cook for two minutes.
  • 3. With a large spoon, transfer the tomatoes to a bowl that is placed in the sink. Run cold water over the tomatoes for a couple of minutes to cool them.
  • 4. Skin the tomatoes. Cut the tomatoes to quarters and place in a large pot.
  • 5. Cook the tomatoes. Bring the pot to a boil then lower the heat to medium. After about an hour, puree the tomatoes using a stick blender or a food mill.
  • 6. When the sauce reaches the desired thickness, lower the temperature to low just to keep it from cooling.
  • 7. Heat water in a water bath stock pot. When the temperature of the water reaches 180F, lower the canning rack into the pot and place the jars in the hot water. Heat the jars for 10 minutes.
  • 8. In a smaller pot, place the lids and bands and bring the water to a boil. Boil the lids and bands for a couple of minutes, then turn the heat off but leave the bands and lids in the water.
  • 9. Grab a jar, empty it from water and add bottled lemon juice (one tablespoon to a pint jar, 2 tablespoons to a quart jar).
  • 10. Fill the jar with tomato sauce leaving 1/2 headspace.
  • 11. Remove air bubbles.
  • 12. Use a paper towel to clean jar rim.
  • 13. Grab a lid from the hot water and center it on the jar.
  • 14. Adjust the band to finger-tight.
  • 15. Repeat with all your jars.
  • 16. Place filled jars back in the canner making sure the jars are covered by at least 1 of water. Cover, bring water to a rolling boil and process pint jars for 35 minutes and quart jars for 40 minutes.
  • 17. Uncover the pot, turn off the heat and let jars rest in the canner for 5 minutes.
  • 18. Use the jar lifter to remove cans from the canner. Place them on a paper towel to seal and cool for 12 hours.
  • 19. Wipe cans, remove bands, and store in a cool dark place for up to a year.

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How to Can Tomato Sauce - Lady Lee's Home


How to can tomato sauce. Preserve the flavor of summer tomatoes by canning them as a sauce. Here is a step by step picture tutorial of how to do it!

How to Can Tomato Sauce

  • Produce

    • 1 Tomatoes, ripe
  • Condiments

    • 1 Lemon juice, bottled

The first person this recipe

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Lady Lee's Home

How to Can Tomato Sauce - Lady Lee's Home

How to can tomato sauce. Preserve the flavor of summer tomatoes by canning them as a sauce. Here is a step by step picture tutorial of how to do it!