How to Create a New Year's Blessings & Gratitude Jar

How to Create a New Year's Blessings & Gratitude Jar

How to Create a New Year's Blessings & Gratitude Jar

How to Create a New Year's Blessings & Gratitude Jar


  • Tools & Equipment

    • 1 Clear glass jar per person
  • Other

    • Clear Tape
    • scissors
  • Ingredients

    • Paper

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Here's a way to count your blessings. Literally! I made these for my daughter and I as well as a birthday gift for a dear friend. Could also be used for baby's 1st year or the 1st year of marriage.

I love to create! All kinds of things. Food, crafts, jewelry, art, photos, theater, events, history, social justice. My proudest creation is my daughter!


  • 1 Clear glass jar per person 
  • Paper 
  • Clear tape 
  • Scissors 


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How to Create a New Year's Blessings & Gratitude Jar


Here's a way to count your blessings. Literally! I made these for my daughter and I as well as a birthday gift for a dear friend. Could also be used for baby's 1st year or the 1st year of marriage. by Felicia Gustin.

How to Create a New Year's Blessings & Gratitude Jar

  • Tools & Equipment

    • 1 Clear glass jar per person
  • Other

    • Clear Tape
    • scissors
  • Ingredients

    • Paper

The first person this recipe

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How to Create a New Year's Blessings & Gratitude Jar

Here's a way to count your blessings. Literally! I made these for my daughter and I as well as a birthday gift for a dear friend. Could also be used for baby's 1st year or the 1st year of marriage. by Felicia Gustin.