Kahlua and Cream Milkshake

Kahlua and Cream Milkshake

Kahlua and Cream Milkshake

Kahlua and Cream Milkshake


  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 Whipped cream
  • Dairy

    • 1/2 cup Cream
  • Frozen

    • 3 scoops Vanilla ice cream
  • Beer, Wine & Liquor

    • 1 oz Kahlua

Found on



316 8

Kahlua and Cream Milkshake - Chocolate Chocolate and More!


Kahlua and Cream Milkshake-for adults only! I’m not a big drinker. I got my drinking days out of the way early on. I realized quickly, that most alcohol will give me the worst hangover, even after only one drink. The exception to that, is Kahlua and Cream. I don’t know if it’s the fact that...

Kahlua and Cream Milkshake

  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 Whipped cream
  • Dairy

    • 1/2 cup Cream
  • Frozen

    • 3 scoops Vanilla ice cream
  • Beer, Wine & Liquor

    • 1 oz Kahlua

The first person this recipe



316 8

Found on chocolatechocolateandmore.com

Chocolate Chocolate and More!

Kahlua and Cream Milkshake - Chocolate Chocolate and More!

Kahlua and Cream Milkshake-for adults only! I’m not a big drinker. I got my drinking days out of the way early on. I realized quickly, that most alcohol will give me the worst hangover, even after only one drink. The exception to that, is Kahlua and Cream. I don’t know if it’s the fact that...