Naan, spinach & halloumi bites

Naan, spinach & halloumi bites

  • Prepare: 20M
  • Cook: 15M
  • Total: 35M
Naan, spinach & halloumi bites

Naan, spinach & halloumi bites


  • Produce

    • 2 Garlic cloves
  • Baking & Spices

    • 2 tsp Garam masala garam masala gar-am mah-sarl-ah meaning 'warming spice mix
  • Bread & Baked Goods

    • 4 Naan bread
  • Other

    • 2 tbsp butter Butter butt-err Butter is made when lactic-acid producing bacteria are added to cream and churned to make an…
    • 2 x 250g packs halloumi cheese
  • Time
  • Prepare: 20M
  • Cook: 15M
  • Total: 35M

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Wilt spinach with garlic and spices, then pile onto small, warm pieces of naan bread and top with halloumi for an attractive vegetarian canapé


  • 2 tbsp butter Butter butt-errButter is made when lactic-acid producing bacteria are added to cream and churned to make an…
  • 2 crushed garlic cloves
  • 2 tsp garam masala Garam masala gar-am mah-sarl-ahMeaning warming spice mix, garam masala is the main spice blend used in North Indian…
  • 2 x 80g bags washed baby spinach
  • 2 x 250g packs halloumi cheese
  • 4 naan bread


  • Warm the butter in a large pan with the crushed garlic cloves and garam masala. Roughly chop the washed baby spinach and add to the melted butter and spices. Cook until the spinach has wilted, then season to taste.
  • Cut the halloumi into cubes and grill the tops until golden. Heat the naan breads under the grill – just to warm through – then spread with the spinach mixture.
  • Evenly distribute the grilled halloumi over the bread, then cut the bread to fit the cheese, and secure with cocktail sticks. Serve warm.


  • Serves: Makes 40
  • Prepare: PT20M
  • Cook Time: PT15M
  • TotalTime:

802 31

Naan, spinach & halloumi bites


Wilt spinach with garlic and spices, then pile onto small, warm pieces of naan bread and top with halloumi for an attractive vegetarian canapé

Naan, spinach & halloumi bites

  • Produce

    • 2 Garlic cloves
  • Baking & Spices

    • 2 tsp Garam masala garam masala gar-am mah-sarl-ah meaning 'warming spice mix
  • Bread & Baked Goods

    • 4 Naan bread
  • Other

    • 2 tbsp butter Butter butt-err Butter is made when lactic-acid producing bacteria are added to cream and churned to make an…
    • 2 x 250g packs halloumi cheese

The first person this recipe

802 31

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BBC Good Food

Naan, spinach & halloumi bites

Wilt spinach with garlic and spices, then pile onto small, warm pieces of naan bread and top with halloumi for an attractive vegetarian canapé