Newfoundland Christmas Slush

Newfoundland Christmas Slush

  • Prepare: 15M
  • Cook: 5M
  • Total: 20M
Newfoundland Christmas Slush

Newfoundland Christmas Slush


  • Produce

    • 6 cups Golden pineapple cubes, fresh
  • Condiments

    • 3/4 cup Lemon juice
    • 3/4 cup Lime juice
    • 1 1/2 cups Simple syrup
  • Drinks

    • 3 cups Premium quality orange juice
  • Beer, Wine & Liquor

    • 1 bottle Amber rum
  • Time
  • Prepare: 15M
  • Cook: 5M
  • Total: 20M

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Newfoundland Christmas Slush - a frosty blend of pineapple and citrus juices frozen together with amber rum to create the base for a delicious Holiday cocktail.


  • First you will need to make the simple syrup so that it can cool down. Simply add the 1 1/2 cups sugar and 1 1/2 cups water to a small saucepan over low heat and stir constantly until all the sugar is dissolved. The syrup does not have to come to a boil. As soon as no sugar crystals are visible in the bottom of the pan, take it off the heat and let it cool to room temperature.
  • You will need an airtight covered plastic container to make the slush in, and to store it in the freezer. Airtight is important because this slush can stay in the freezer for quite a long time if need be, and you dont want it absorbing freezer odours. Large tupperware bowls with snap on lids work well. Here in Newfoundland, if we are making large batches, we use food grade plastic buckets that salt beef is sold in. Dont assume a salt beef bucket in a Newfoundland freezer has salt beef!
  • In any case, this recipe makes about 4 litres/quarts of slush so a 5 litre/quart container will be required.
  • Dice the pineapple into small cubes. Measure 6 cups of these cubes.
  • Purée the pineapple in a food processor or blender.
  • Add the pineapple purée to the plastic container along with the cooled simple syrup and the remaining ingredients.
  • Give it a good stir to combine, put the lid on and put the container in the freezer for about 6 hours.
  • After six hours, ice sheets should be beginning to form in the slush. You want to break these down into smaller crystals. An immersion blender is idea for this, but if you dont have one, a few minutes of vigorous stirring with a whisk should do the trick.
  • Return to the freezer and after a few more hours, give it another stir. The slush then stays covered in the freezer until ready to serve.
  • When serving, depending on the size of drink you want to serve, fill the glass from 1/3 to 2/3 full of slush and top up with club soda, ginger ale or lemon lime soda. Stir well and serve
  • Another serving suggestion is to serve the slush in martini glasses mixed with a splash of Prosecco and a garnish of pineapple and a maraschino cherry.
  • Serves: 30 or more servings
  • Prepare: PT15M
  • Cook Time: PT5M
  • TotalTime:

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Newfoundland Christmas Slush


Newfoundland Christmas Slush - a frosty blend of pineapple & citrus juices frozen together with amber rum to create a base for a delicious Holiday cocktail.

Newfoundland Christmas Slush

  • Produce

    • 6 cups Golden pineapple cubes, fresh
  • Condiments

    • 3/4 cup Lemon juice
    • 3/4 cup Lime juice
    • 1 1/2 cups Simple syrup
  • Drinks

    • 3 cups Premium quality orange juice
  • Beer, Wine & Liquor

    • 1 bottle Amber rum

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Rock Recipes

Newfoundland Christmas Slush

Newfoundland Christmas Slush - a frosty blend of pineapple & citrus juices frozen together with amber rum to create a base for a delicious Holiday cocktail.