Paw Print Salt Dough Ornaments

Paw Print Salt Dough Ornaments

Paw Print Salt Dough Ornaments

Paw Print Salt Dough Ornaments


  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 cup Flour
    • 1/2 cup Salt
  • Liquids

    • 1/2 cup Water, HOT
  • Other

    • acrylic paint
    • Gold Paint Pen or Sharpie
    • Matte Finish Mod Podge
  • Ingredients

    • Glitter
    • Ribbon

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Cook, bake, craft, create, one little project at a time!


  • ½ cup hot water
  • ½ cup salt
  • 1 cup flour
  • Acrylic Paint
  • Matte Finish Mod Podge
  • Glitter
  • Ribbon
  • Gold Paint Pen or Sharpie


  • Mix together the hot water, salt and flour. Kneed it together with your hands until it forms a dough ball. If its too sticky, add some extra flour.
  • Roll out the dough until it is ¼ inch to ½ inch thick.
  • Use small plastic cups to cut out circle shapes.
  • Gently press your dogs paw into the center of the circle to make an imprint.
  • Use a drinking straw to cut a hole for the ribbon.
  • Transfer the circles to a parchment lined baking sheet and bake at 225F for 2 to 3 hours until they are solid and completely dried out.
  • Once they have cooled, paint the ornaments in colours to match your pups personality.
  • Write your dogs name and the year on the front or back of the ornament using a gold paint pen or Sharpie marker.
  • Add a coat of Matte Finish Mod Podge and sprinkle it generously with glitter.
  • If you only want the imprint filled with glitter, allow the first coat of Mod Podge to dry completely. Then add a generous second coat to the inside of the paw print and sprinkle it generously with glitter.
  • String a ribbon through the hole to hang your ornament.
  • If you want you can attach an extra ribbon or bow tie to the ornament using hot glue.

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Paw Print Salt Dough Ornaments - One Little Project


These puppy paw print salt dough ornaments are SO CUTE!! And they're such a fun way to celebrate our furry friends! Such a sweet Christmas keepsake idea!

Paw Print Salt Dough Ornaments

  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 cup Flour
    • 1/2 cup Salt
  • Liquids

    • 1/2 cup Water, HOT
  • Other

    • acrylic paint
    • Gold Paint Pen or Sharpie
    • Matte Finish Mod Podge
  • Ingredients

    • Glitter
    • Ribbon

The first person this recipe

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One Little Project

Paw Print Salt Dough Ornaments - One Little Project

These puppy paw print salt dough ornaments are SO CUTE!! And they're such a fun way to celebrate our furry friends! Such a sweet Christmas keepsake idea!