Pumpkin Walnut Ravioli with Creamy Garlic and Spinach Sauce

Pumpkin Walnut Ravioli with Creamy Garlic and Spinach Sauce

  • Prepare: 30 min
  • Cook Time: 50 min
  • TotalTime:
Pumpkin Walnut Ravioli with Creamy Garlic and Spinach Sauce

Pumpkin Walnut Ravioli with Creamy Garlic and Spinach Sauce


  • Vegetarian


  • Produce

    • 3 Garlic cloves
    • 600 g Pumpkin
    • 2 cups Spinach, fresh leaves
  • Refrigerated

    • 50 g Tofu, firm
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 tbsp Cornstarch
    • 1 Nutmeg
    • 2 Pasta dough, basic
    • 2 Pepper
    • 2 Salt
  • Oils & Vinegars

    • 2 tbsp Olive oil
  • Nuts & Seeds

    • 50 g Walnuts
  • Bread & Baked Goods

    • 1 tbsp Bread crumbs
  • Dairy

    • 250 ml Oat milk

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Exciting and healthy plant based recipes for every day.


  • 2 basic pasta dough (recipe in the link below or in the text above)
  • 600 g (4 cups) pumpkin*
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • salt, to taste
  • pepper, to taste
  • 50 g (1/2 cup) walnuts
  • 50 g firm tofu
  • 1 tbsp bread crumbs
  • nutmeg, to taste
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 tbsp cornstarch
  • 250 ml (1 cup) oat milk
  • 2 cups fresh spinach leaves
  • salt, to taste
  • pepper, to taste
  • 2x osnovno testo za testenine (povezava spodaj in zgoraj v tekstu)
  • 600 g buče*
  • 1 žlica olivnega olja
  • sol, po okusu
  • poper, po okusu
  • 50 g orehov
  • 50 g tofuja
  • 1 žlica krušnih drobtin
  • muškatni orešček, po okusu
  • 1 žlica olivnega olja
  • 3 stroki česna
  • 1 žlica koruznega škroba
  • 250 ml ovsenega mleka
  • 2 skodelici (pesti) sveže špinače
  • sol, po okusu
  • poper, po okusu


  • Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F) and line baking sheet with baking paper. Cut the pumpkin into smaller cubes, coat in salt, pepper and 1 tbsp olive oil. Transfer to baking sheet and bake for 40 minutes. Meanwhile make the pasta dough and leave to rest. After cooling down, puree the pumpkin in food processor. Transfer into a smaller bowl. You can use canned pumpkin puree instead.* Finely chop the walnuts in food processor. Add them to the pumpkin puree, as well as crushed tofu, bread crumbs and nutmeg. Stir well to combine. Taste the filling and add more salt or pepper if necessary. The taste should me quite strong. Roll out the dough about 0,3 cm thick. Use a ravioli maker to make ravioli. You could also use the cutter as on the pictures. Put about 1/2 teaspoon of filling into each ravioli. Press the edges together to prevent them from opening. This recipe makes about 80 ravioli.* Make the sauce in a pan. Heat up some olive oil and sauté the finely chopped garlic for about 2 minutes. Add the cornstarch and mix well. Now whisk in the oat milk and bring to boil while stirring. Add salt and pepper to taste. Simmer on low heat for about 10 minutes to reduce. Meanwhile cook the ravioli in boiling salted water. It takes about 3 minutes for them to float to surface, meaning they are cooked. Transfer into the sauce pan and add 1-2 tablespoons of cooking water. Add the fresh basil leaves and stir to coat the ravioli. Serve immediately, sprinkled with vegan cheese and chopped walnuts.
  • Pečico segrejemo na 200°C in pekač obložimo s peki papirjem. Bučko narežemo na manjše kocke, ter solimo, popramo in pokapamo z olivnim oljem. Prestavimo na pekač in pečemo 40 minut. Med pečenjem pripravimo testo za testenine in ga pustimo počivati. Ko se buča ohladi, jo v multipraktiku spasiramo v pire. Prestavimo v manjšo posodo. Namesto pečenja buče lahko uporabimo kar 1 skodelico kupljenega bučnega pireja.* V multipraktiku zmeljemo orehe in jih dodamo bučnemu pireju, skupaj s tofujem, drobtinami, soljo in poprom. Dobro premešamo, da dobimo gladko zmes. Po okusu dodatno solimo in popramo. Masa naj bo kar močnega okusa. Testo razvaljamo na približno 3 mm. Ravioli pripravimo s pomočjo aparata za raviole ali pa uporabimo štanco, ki je prikazana na sliki. Vsak raviol napolnimo s 1/2 žličke nadeva in robove dobro pritisnemo skupaj, da se ne odprejo. Recept predvideva 80 raviolov.* V ponvi pripavimo omako. Segrejemo olivno olje in na njem popražimo drobno sesekljan česen. Po nekaj minutah dodamo škrob in dobro premešamo. Zalijemo z ovsenim mlekom in ob mešanjem zavremo. Na nizki temperaturi kuhamo še približno 10 minut. Med tem v vreli vodi skuhamo torteline. Skuhani so, ko priplavajo na površje, po približno 3 minutah. Odcejene dodamo omaki in prilijemo 1-2 žlici vode v kateri so se kuhali. Dodamo tudi svežo špinačo in premešamo. Raviole takoj postrežemo potresene s veganskim sirom in zdrobljenimi orehi.
  • Prepare: 30 min
  • Cook Time: 50 min
  • TotalTime:


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Pumpkin Walnut Ravioli in Creamy Garlic Spinach Sauce | Bučni in orehovi ravioli v kremni česnovo špinačni omaki - Dear Kitchen!


A home made Pumpkin and Walnut Ravioli in a Creamy Garlic Sauce with Spinach will make your evenings full off flavour and fall spirit.

Pumpkin Walnut Ravioli with Creamy Garlic and Spinach Sauce

  • Produce

    • 3 Garlic cloves
    • 600 g Pumpkin
    • 2 cups Spinach, fresh leaves
  • Refrigerated

    • 50 g Tofu, firm
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 tbsp Cornstarch
    • 1 Nutmeg
    • 2 Pasta dough, basic
    • 2 Pepper
    • 2 Salt
  • Oils & Vinegars

    • 2 tbsp Olive oil
  • Nuts & Seeds

    • 50 g Walnuts
  • Bread & Baked Goods

    • 1 tbsp Bread crumbs
  • Dairy

    • 250 ml Oat milk

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Found on dearkitchen.net

Dear Kitchen!

Pumpkin Walnut Ravioli in Creamy Garlic Spinach Sauce | Bučni in orehovi ravioli v kremni česnovo špinačni omaki - Dear Kitchen!

A home made Pumpkin and Walnut Ravioli in a Creamy Garlic Sauce with Spinach will make your evenings full off flavour and fall spirit.