Sea Salt and Vinegar Kale Chips

Sea Salt and Vinegar Kale Chips

  • Prepare: 5M
  • Cook: 10M
  • Total: 15M
Sea Salt and Vinegar Kale Chips

Sea Salt and Vinegar Kale Chips


  • Vegan
  • Gluten free
  • Paleo


  • Produce

    • 1 bunch Kale
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1/2 tsp Sea salt, coarse
  • Oils & Vinegars

    • 1 tbsp Olive oil
    • 2 tbsp Vinegar
  • Time
  • Prepare: 5M
  • Cook: 10M
  • Total: 15M

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These sea salt and vinegar kale chips are a healthy and delicious alternative to the potato chip version!


  • 1 bunch kale (I used curly kale, but Lascinato dino kale also works too!)
  • 2 Tbsp. vinegar (I used apple cider vinegar)
  • 1 Tbsp. olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp. coarse sea salt, more/less to taste
  • Serves: Yield: About 4 servings
  • Prepare: PT5M
  • Cook Time: PT10M
  • TotalTime:

760 32

Sea Salt and Vinegar Kale Chips | Gimme Some Oven


I have always been a snacker.  But for some reason, potato chips were never my thing…until I was introduced to sea salt and vinegar kettle chips from my favorite grocery store a few years ago. Oh good grief, those chips are good. I realized that I could easily make a bag disappear in a day or …

Sea Salt and Vinegar Kale Chips

  • Produce

    • 1 bunch Kale
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1/2 tsp Sea salt, coarse
  • Oils & Vinegars

    • 1 tbsp Olive oil
    • 2 tbsp Vinegar

The first person this recipe

760 32

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Gimme Some Oven

Sea Salt and Vinegar Kale Chips | Gimme Some Oven

I have always been a snacker.  But for some reason, potato chips were never my thing…until I was introduced to sea salt and vinegar kettle chips from my favorite grocery store a few years ago. Oh good grief, those chips are good. I realized that I could easily make a bag disappear in a day or …