Baking & Spices
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How long does this keep unopened/opened?
Mentioned sugar syrup in description but not in recipe?
The sugar syrup mentioned in the description was in the commercial product that *inspired* this recipe.
Could you leave off the whey or a culture starter?
I have never had success fermenting fruit without a starter of some sort. You could give it a try but I have not been successful.
Did I have to cap it? I actually just covered the jar with cheesecloth, held in pace by the ring. Once done fermenting, how long does it keep in the fridge? I used 1 T kombucha, that seems to be ok. Any wisdom appreciated.
I just used some of this pineapple to make salsa ( and it was AMAZING! Just subbed the fermented for the fresh pineapple, and cut back on the hot peppers. I also plan on making a juice blend of the pineapple, fresh mint, and apple juice.
That sounds great!!!
can kimchee serve as a starter?
The liquid from kim chi most definitely could be a starter! Would add a great flavor!
the nice thing about this recipe, which is awesome, btw, is that you can use the rind and core and start Tepache, yummmy, it’s a two-fer
Great idea, Ginny!!! Kelly Liston recently posted…Homemade Dish Soap
This looks amazing! Been wondering what to do with that tin of pineapples in my cupboard for ages.
Don’t forget to plant the top and have your own pineapple plant.
hi all, I have been playing around with water kefir and kombucha tea ferments – using wild fermentation. I guess I would use the liquid of one of these instead of the starter culture, or perhaps some liquid from my ginger bug? When you say whey, is this normal whey protein powder (plain) I can buy online?thanks very much
Whey is the liquid whey from yogurt. Here is a tutorial: have never made water kefir via wild fermentation as I am not sure how you would do that as you need the kefir grains? Let us know how it goes. Yes, for kombucha you can generate a scoby from a bottle of plain store bought kombucha. Here is a tutorial: luck!
I have used pineapple and jalapenos as a second ferment flavor for kombucha. It was absolutely delicious so I will definitely have to try this recipe.
That sounds like a delicious kombucha flavor!!
In place of the whey, can I use whey protein? Or the liquid off the top of plain greek yogurt?
no. whey protein powder has been processed and is ‘dead’. The liquid off of yogurt is liquid whey and will work fine!
Title: | |
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Spicy Fermented Pineapple
Baking & Spices
The first person this recipe