Strawberry collins with pomegranate syrup

Strawberry collins with pomegranate syrup

  • Serves: 2
Strawberry collins with pomegranate syrup

Strawberry collins with pomegranate syrup


  • Produce

    • 1 Approx 10 strawberries
  • Condiments

    • 2 tbsp Lemon juice
    • 1 tsp Pomegranate syrup/molasses
  • Baking & Spices

    • 4 tsp Sugar
  • Drinks

    • 1 Soda water
  • Frozen

    • 1 Ice cubes
  • Beer, Wine & Liquor

    • 3 oz Gin

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Making tasty food for all the family (that's generally good for you, too)


  • approx 10 strawberries, less if large (plus more for ice cubes if you like)
  • 4tsp sugar
  • 2tbsp lemon juice (approx ½ lemon)
  • 3oz gin
  • 1tsp pomegranate syrup/molasses (or a little more to taste)
  • soda water
  • ice cubes


  • If youd like strawberry ice cubes, freeze a few strawberries on a tray until frozen: it should take a few hours. Then transfer to a container until you are ready to use them. Theyll keep for a number of months. (Plus, hey look pretty, dont dilute your drink and you can eat them after!)
  • Puree the strawberries in a small blender then mix in the sugar until it dissolves.
  • Put 1tbsp of lemon juice each in the bottom of two glasses. Then add 1½oz of gin to each as well. Divide the strawberry puree between the two glasses (you can strain it if youd like to try to remove some of the seeds) and stir the mixture.
  • Add the frozen strawberries to the glasses along with one or two ice cubes, if youd like/if needed. Then top up the glasses with soda water.
  • Drizzle around ½tsp of pomegranate syrup/molasses over each glass and stir through before drinking.
  • Serves: 2

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Strawberry collins - Caroline's Cooking


Strawberry collins is an easy variation on the classic Tom Collins cocktail, Colorful, tasty and perfect whether summer or any other time. 

Strawberry collins with pomegranate syrup

  • Produce

    • 1 Approx 10 strawberries
  • Condiments

    • 2 tbsp Lemon juice
    • 1 tsp Pomegranate syrup/molasses
  • Baking & Spices

    • 4 tsp Sugar
  • Drinks

    • 1 Soda water
  • Frozen

    • 1 Ice cubes
  • Beer, Wine & Liquor

    • 3 oz Gin

The first person this recipe

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Caroline's Cooking

Strawberry collins - Caroline's Cooking

Strawberry collins is an easy variation on the classic Tom Collins cocktail, Colorful, tasty and perfect whether summer or any other time.