Strawberry Lemon Gelatin Snacks

Strawberry Lemon Gelatin Snacks

Strawberry Lemon Gelatin Snacks

Strawberry Lemon Gelatin Snacks


  • Gluten free
  • Paleo


  • Produce

    • 2 cups Strawberries, fresh or frozen
  • Condiments

    • 3/4 cup Honey
    • 2 cups Lemon juice, fresh or bottled
  • Desserts

    • 2 1/4 cups Gelatin

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  • 2 cups lemon juice, fresh or bottled
  • 2 cups strawberries, fresh or frozen
  • 3/4 cup honey
  • 2 1/4 cups gelatin, preferably grass-fed


  • Add lemon juice to a blender. Add your strawberries. (The easiest way to do this is to just add enough strawberries so the volume in your blender changes from 2 cups to 4 cups.)
  • Add your honey, then blend until everything is evenly mixed.
  • Add lemon berry mixture to a saucepan. Slowly pour in your gelatin while mixing with a spoon or other utensil. Continue adding and mixing until youve added all of your gelatin.
  • Continue to mix until the gelatin is evenly mixed into the berry mixture. Generally this occurs when you no longer see any patches of white gelatin among the pink concoction.
  • Allow mixture to sit for a few minutes, until the gelatin absorbs the liquid and becomes completely stiff.
  • Turn on your burner, and heat your pan over low or medium low. Continue to heat, stirring occasionally, until everything is liquid and no solid pieces remain. (Depending on how large of a recipe youre making, this can take 30 minutes or more, so its a good thing to do while mostly paying attention to some other activity.)
  • Once your gelatin mixture is fully melted, use a ladle to spoon liquid into silicone molds. Alternatively, you can also just pour the mixture into a glass baking dish and then cut into small pieces later.
  • Place filled molds into the fridge or freezer and chill until hardened. Remove finished bites from molds, then refill and repeat until youve used all of your mixture.
  • Store bites in the fridge, or the freezer for longer-term storage. Im not sure what the shelf-life is on these, but since they contain fresh fruit I dont like to keep them in the fridge for more than 5 days or so.

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High-Protein Strawberry Lemon Gummies - Whole Natural Life


High-protein strawberry lemon gummies, made with grass-fed gelatin.

Strawberry Lemon Gelatin Snacks

  • Produce

    • 2 cups Strawberries, fresh or frozen
  • Condiments

    • 3/4 cup Honey
    • 2 cups Lemon juice, fresh or bottled
  • Desserts

    • 2 1/4 cups Gelatin

The first person this recipe

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Whole Natural Life

High-Protein Strawberry Lemon Gummies - Whole Natural Life

High-protein strawberry lemon gummies, made with grass-fed gelatin.