The Grilled Cheese Eggsplosion (Grilled Cheese With Fried Eggs Cooked Into the Bread
Baking & Spices
Bread & Baked Goods
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This recipe appears in: Eggs-in-a-Hole + Grilled Cheese = Grilled Cheese Eggsplosion! [Photograph: Vicky Wasik. Video: Natalie Holt] Its one of my favorite breakfasts: Cut a hole out of a slice of bread, cook in butter, break an egg into the hole. Well, we wondered what would happen if we built a grilled cheese out of two of those bad boys. We did it, and deliciousness ensued. Serious Eats VIDEOS Watch More Videos Replay function setPlayerListeners(){_player.on(ended,function(){clearTimeout(pauseTimer),videoMethods.endscreen.on()}),_player.on(pause,function(){clearTimeout(pauseTimer);var a=Math.floor(this.duration()),b=Math.floor(this.currentTime()),c=a-b;b0&&(b==a?videoMethods.endscreen.on():pauseTimer=setTimeout(function(){_player.trigger(pause)},1e3*c))})}var _player,$endscreen,pauseTimer,videoMethods={endscreen:{off:function(){$endscreen.addClass(offscreen)},on:function(){$endscreen.removeClass(offscreen)}}};videojs(player).ready(function(){_player=this,$endscreen=$(.endscreen-wrapper),setPlayerListeners()}),$(.replay-button).on(click,function(a){a.preventDefault(),_player.paused()||_player.pause(),,_player.currentTime(0),});
Title: | The Grilled Cheese Eggsplosion (Grilled Cheese With Fried Eggs Cooked Into the Bread Recipe |
Descrition: | One of my favorite breakfasts: cut a hole out of a slice of bread, cook in butter, break an egg into the hole. Well, we wondered what would happen if we built a grilled cheese out of two of those bad boys. We did it, and deliciousness ensued. |
The Grilled Cheese Eggsplosion (Grilled Cheese With Fried Eggs Cooked Into the Bread
Baking & Spices
Bread & Baked Goods
The first person this recipe
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Serious Eats
The Grilled Cheese Eggsplosion (Grilled Cheese With Fried Eggs Cooked Into the Bread Recipe
One of my favorite breakfasts: cut a hole out of a slice of bread, cook in butter, break an egg into the hole. Well, we wondered what would happen if we built a grilled cheese out of two of those bad boys. We did it, and deliciousness ensued.