Vegan Mini Pavlovas | The Recipe ReDux

Vegan Mini Pavlovas | The Recipe ReDux

  • Prepare: 15M
  • Cook: 2H
  • Total: 2H 15M
Vegan Mini Pavlovas | The Recipe ReDux

Vegan Mini Pavlovas | The Recipe ReDux


  • Baking & Spices

    • 1/2 tsp Cream of tartar
    • 3/4 cup Golden caster sugar
  • Other

    • 1/2 cup Aqua faba (strained bean juice
  • Time
  • Prepare: 15M
  • Cook: 2H
  • Total: 2H 15M

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Real Food for Busy People

I cooked a batch of chickpeas and used the leftover aqua faba to make these pavlovas. I did, however, reduce the cooking liquid until it had thickened slightly, then allowed it to cool to room temperature before using it in this recipe. Ingredients in aqua faba recipes are always measured volumetrically. Your results may differ if you weigh your ingredients. You will need a free-standing mixer to make these pavlovas. That, or very strong forearms and lots of patience.


  • Pre-heat the oven to 120C (100C fan forced).
  • Line a large baking tray with non-stick baking paper.
  • With a sharpie or similar, draw twelve 10cm circles on the baking paper. I used a large jar lid for this. Allow room between the circles as the pavlovas expand slightly in the heat.
  • Flip the baking paper over so the pavlovas do not come into contact with the ink.
  • Set the tray aside.
  • Add the aqua faba and cream of tartar to the scrupulously clean bowl of a free-standing mixer. The bowl needs to be very clean or the aqua faba will deflate, just like a normal meringue.
  • Whip for 3 - 5 minutes on high speed, or until stiff peaks have started to form. The meringue needs to be stiff enough that it would remain in the bowl if the bowl were to be tipped upside down.
  • With the motor running, on medium - high speed, gradually add the sugar a Tablespoon at a time.
  • Allow the sugar to dissolve between each addition.
  • Once all the sugar has been added, scrape down the sides of the bowl.
  • Continue to whip for a further two minutes, or until the meringue is stiff and glossy.
  • Dollop spoonfuls of the meringue onto the baking paper, over the circles.
  • Gently spread the meringue out to the edge of the circles. I used a small spatula for this.
  • As you are spreading the meringue, try to create a small depression in the centre. This creates a little well to later hold the cream and fruit.
  • Bake the meringues for two hours. Do not be tempted to open the oven during this time.
  • After the cooking time is up, turn off the oven and leave the door shut.
  • Allow the meringues to cool to room temperature I allow mine to sit in the oven overnight.
  • Use as desired or store in an airtight container for up to three days.
  • When ready to serve, decorate the pavlovas with coconut cream and fruit.
  • Serve immediately.
  • Prepare: PT15M
  • Cook Time: PT120M
  • TotalTime:

342 9

Vegan Mini Pavlovas | The Recipe ReDux


Vegan Mini Pavlovas are the perfect dessert when catering for a crowd with different dietary issues.  Egg free, gluten free & vegan.    

Vegan Mini Pavlovas | The Recipe ReDux

  • Baking & Spices

    • 1/2 tsp Cream of tartar
    • 3/4 cup Golden caster sugar
  • Other

    • 1/2 cup Aqua faba (strained bean juice

The first person this recipe

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The Cook's Pyjamas

Vegan Mini Pavlovas | The Recipe ReDux

Vegan Mini Pavlovas are the perfect dessert when catering for a crowd with different dietary issues.  Egg free, gluten free & vegan.