White Chocolate Butterscotch Tart

White Chocolate Butterscotch Tart

  • Serves: 9 inch tart
White Chocolate Butterscotch Tart

White Chocolate Butterscotch Tart


  • Vegetarian


  • Baking & Spices

    • 3 tbsp Brown sugar
    • 6 oz White chocolate chips
  • Snacks

    • 1 1/2 cups Vanilla wafer crumbs
  • Dairy

    • 5 tbsp Butter
    • 8 tbsp Heavy whipping cream
  • Desserts

    • 6 oz Butterscotch chips

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  • 1. Add melted butter to cookie crumbs and brown sugar and mix until combined. 2. Press cookie mixture evenly into the bottom and up the sides of a greased 9 inch tart pan, with removable bottom, then set aside. 3. Add the white chocolate chips to a medium sized bowl. 5. Put 4 tbsp heavy cream into a microwave safe container. I used a glass measuring cup. Microwave heavy cream until it begins to boil, about 1 minute. 6. Pour heavy cream over the white chocolate chips and let it sit for about 30 seconds. 7. Whisk mixture until smooth, microwaving for about 10-15 seconds, if needed to completely melt chips. 8. Pour white chocolate ganache into crust and spread into an even layer. Refrigerate for about 15 minutes, or until fairly firm. 9. Put butterscotch chips into a microwave safe bowl. 10. Add remaining 4 tbsp of heavy whipping cream to microwave safe container. Microwave heavy cream until cream begins to boil, about 1 minute. 11. Pour heavy cream over butterscotch chips and let it sit for about 30 seconds. 12. Whisk mixture until smooth, microwaving for about 10-15 seconds, if needed. 13. Pour butterscotch ganache over white chocolate ganache and spread into an even layer. 14. Top with some extra white chocolate and butterscotch chips. 15. Refrigerate until firm, about an hour.
  • Serves: 9 inch tart


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White Chocolate Butterscotch Tart - Life Love and Sugar


This White Chocolate Butterscotch Tart is the perfect treat for the butterscotch and white chocolate lover - which I am. Layers of ganache combine to make this wonderfully easy tart.

White Chocolate Butterscotch Tart

  • Baking & Spices

    • 3 tbsp Brown sugar
    • 6 oz White chocolate chips
  • Snacks

    • 1 1/2 cups Vanilla wafer crumbs
  • Dairy

    • 5 tbsp Butter
    • 8 tbsp Heavy whipping cream
  • Desserts

    • 6 oz Butterscotch chips

The first person this recipe



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Found on lifeloveandsugar.com

Life Love and Sugar

White Chocolate Butterscotch Tart - Life Love and Sugar

This White Chocolate Butterscotch Tart is the perfect treat for the butterscotch and white chocolate lover - which I am. Layers of ganache combine to make this wonderfully easy tart.