America’s Test Kitchen’s Instant Aged Balsamic Vinegar

America’s Test Kitchen’s Instant Aged Balsamic Vinegar

  • Serves: Makes about 1/4 cup
America’s Test Kitchen’s Instant Aged Balsamic Vinegar

America’s Test Kitchen’s Instant Aged Balsamic Vinegar


  • Condiments

    • 1/3 cup Balsamic vinegar
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 tbsp Sugar
  • Beer, Wine & Liquor

    • 1 tbsp Port

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If you really wanted to try this hack and were missing the port—say you were in need of an impressive, very-last-minute dinner party dessert, or something else to throw on your cheese plate or to pep up your steak or soup or salad (or you know, your fancy, well-priced quarterly balsamic delivery from Food52 had run out)—you absolutely could. You could just leave the port out, or splash in a fruity red wine, or honey, or cherry juice and tweak the flavor and consistency as you like. Or you could just surrender as I did, and commit this formula to memory, knowing that it your new tool to have this elixir anytime, near instantly. Adapted slightly from Kitchen Hacks: How Clever Cooks Get Things Done (Cooks Illustrated, 2015).


  • 1/3 cup balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 tablespoon port


  • Combine ingredients in shallow, nonreactive pan and slowly reduce over extremely low heat. Mixture should be barely simmering. Continue until mixture is reduced to half its original volume. Let cool to room temperature and use immediately.
  • Serve over vanilla ice cream or panna cotta, on ripe pears or strawberries, with cheeses (especially, but not limited to, Parmesan), stirred into soups and drizzled over grilled steaks and pork chops—or anywhere else your food could use a hit of bright, sweet tang.
  • Serves: Makes about 1/4 cup

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America’s Test Kitchen’s Instant Aged Balsamic Vinegar Recipe on Food52


If you really wanted to try this hack and were missing the port—say you were in need of an impressive, very-last-minute dinner party dessert, or something else to throw on your cheese plate or to pep up your steak or soup or salad (or you know, your fancy, well-priced quarterly balsamic delivery from Food52 had run out—you absolutely could. You could just leave the port out, or splash in a fruity red wine, or honey, or cherry juice and tweak the flavor and consistency as you like. Or you could just surrender as I did, and commit this formula to memory, knowing that it your new tool to have this elixir anytime, near instantly. Adapted slightly from Kitchen Hacks: How Clever Cooks Get Things Done (Cook's Illustrated, 2015.

America’s Test Kitchen’s Instant Aged Balsamic Vinegar

  • Condiments

    • 1/3 cup Balsamic vinegar
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 tbsp Sugar
  • Beer, Wine & Liquor

    • 1 tbsp Port

The first person this recipe

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America’s Test Kitchen’s Instant Aged Balsamic Vinegar Recipe on Food52

If you really wanted to try this hack and were missing the port—say you were in need of an impressive, very-last-minute dinner party dessert, or something else to throw on your cheese plate or to pep up your steak or soup or salad (or you know, your fancy, well-priced quarterly balsamic delivery from Food52 had run out—you absolutely could. You could just leave the port out, or splash in a fruity red wine, or honey, or cherry juice and tweak the flavor and consistency as you like. Or you could just surrender as I did, and commit this formula to memory, knowing that it your new tool to have this elixir anytime, near instantly. Adapted slightly from Kitchen Hacks: How Clever Cooks Get Things Done (Cook's Illustrated, 2015.