Blueberry & Lemon Fudge with creamed coconut (4 ingredients

Blueberry & Lemon Fudge with creamed coconut (4 ingredients

  • Prepare: 40M
  • Total: 40M
Blueberry & Lemon Fudge with creamed coconut (4 ingredients

Blueberry & Lemon Fudge with creamed coconut (4 ingredients


  • Vegan
  • Gluten free
  • Paleo


  • Produce

    • 75 g Blueberries, organic
    • 1 heaped tsp Lemon rind, fresh
  • Condiments

    • 2 tbsp Maple syrup
  • Nuts & Seeds

    • 300 g Creamed coconut
  • Time
  • Prepare: 40M
  • Total: 40M

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A delicious, alternative fudge recipe using creamed coconut, blueberries, lemon and maple syrup.


  • 300g creamed coconut (or coconut butter)
  • 75g to 100g organic blueberries (frozen works best for colour)
  • 1 heaped teaspoon fresh lemon rind
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup


  • Allow your blueberries to defrost a little ahead of time.
  • Roughly chop your creamed coconut block.
  • Melt the creamed coconut block on a cooker or stove top by putting the creamed coconut (or coconut butter) in a small, oven proof, glass bowl; and then by putting that bowl in a small pan containing an inch or so of hot water. Keep the hob/stove burning on a low heat. The heat will then transfer through the bowl, enough to melt the coconut. Give it frequent stirs to assist the melting process. Don’t keep it on the heat any longer than it takes to melt it.
  • Grate a teaspoon worth of unwaxed, organic lemon rind.
  • Once melted add the blueberries, lemon rind and maple syrup and blend together. I find this easiest to do with a hand (immersion) blender. That makes the cleaning up process so much easier. You may have to transfer it to a jug if your glass bowl is too big to get in there with the hand blender. This would also work with a small food processor.
  • Press down the blended mixture into a parchment paper lined loaf tin and then pop it into the freezer for about 20 to 30 minutes to solidify. Alternatively just pop it in your fridge and give it a bit longer to turn solid.
  • Once firm, slice into squares or triangles.
  • You can enjoy this right out of the freezer as a very firm fudge-like treat or out of the fridge as a gorgeous soft fudge.
  • Enjoy.
  • Serves: 18 squares
  • Prepare: 40 mins
  • TotalTime:

3419 267

Blueberry & Lemon Fudge with creamed coconut (4 ingredients


Blueberries and lemon are a match made in heaven. They dance and twirl on the taste buds creating an exquisite medley of flavours. In this recipe, I've added them to one of my all time trusted and favourite ingredients: 'creamed coconut', to create a decadent, soft fudge. It's very rich, yet you needn't feel guilty,

Blueberry & Lemon Fudge with creamed coconut (4 ingredients

  • Produce

    • 75 g Blueberries, organic
    • 1 heaped tsp Lemon rind, fresh
  • Condiments

    • 2 tbsp Maple syrup
  • Nuts & Seeds

    • 300 g Creamed coconut

The first person this recipe

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Trinity's Conscious Kitchen

Blueberry & Lemon Fudge with creamed coconut (4 ingredients

Blueberries and lemon are a match made in heaven. They dance and twirl on the taste buds creating an exquisite medley of flavours. In this recipe, I've added them to one of my all time trusted and favourite ingredients: 'creamed coconut', to create a decadent, soft fudge. It's very rich, yet you needn't feel guilty,