Bourbon Peach Lemonade Punch

Bourbon Peach Lemonade Punch

  • Prepare: 15M
Bourbon Peach Lemonade Punch

Bourbon Peach Lemonade Punch


  • Produce

    • 3 sprigs Mint, fresh
    • 2 Peaches, ripe pitted and sliced
  • Condiments

    • 1 cup Lemon juice, freshly squeezed
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1/3 cup Granulated sugar
  • Beer, Wine & Liquor

    • 3/4 cup Bourbon or whiskey
  • Liquids

    • 3 cups Water, filtered
  • Time
  • Prepare: 15M

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This fresh and summery punch recipe is perfect for a crowd, and can be made ahead of time (in fact, its better that way!) Serve with a garnish of fresh mint.


  • 3 cups filtered water
  • 1/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 2-3 ripe peaches, pitted and sliced
  • 3/4 cup (6 ounces) bourbon or whiskey
  • 3 sprigs fresh mint, plus more for garnish


  • Combine water and sugar in a microwave safe bowl or glass measuring cup and microwave on high for 2 minutes or until water is hot. Stir until sugar is dissolved. You can also heat the water and sugar in a saucepan over medium-high heat until sugar is dissolved. Pour sugar water into a pitcher along with lemon juice. Add sliced peaches, bourbon, and mint. Cover and refrigerate overnight or until ready to serve. To serve, scoop out a slice or two of peaches with a slotted spoon and place in glass with ice. Fill with punch and garnish with fresh mint.
  • Serves: 4-6 servings
  • Prepare: PT15M
  • TotalTime:

1303 69

Bourbon Peach Lemonade Punch | Love and Olive Oil


This perfect summertime cocktail recipe is inspired by a similar concoction I enjoyed last summer at Husk restaurant. Unfortunately it was right at the tail end of peach season and I wasn't able to recreate it then (because using anything other than the sweetest of peaches would have done it a grave injustice. So I stashed it away in my mental file of recipe ideas to make once the peaches were back with a vengeance. Which is now. Every year, right around the time we all start complaining about the humidity, the peaches arrive amidst celebration and fanfare and promises of pies and pastries and perfect yellow flesh, every bite bursting with flavor and happiness. It's just enough to make us forget the oppressive heat, eager to dive in for another juicy bite, and leave us longing once again for summer once it's over. To me, peaches and tomatoes are what make summer in the South worthwhile. This is the definition of a perfect party punch: a punch being different from a cocktail in that

Bourbon Peach Lemonade Punch

  • Produce

    • 3 sprigs Mint, fresh
    • 2 Peaches, ripe pitted and sliced
  • Condiments

    • 1 cup Lemon juice, freshly squeezed
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1/3 cup Granulated sugar
  • Beer, Wine & Liquor

    • 3/4 cup Bourbon or whiskey
  • Liquids

    • 3 cups Water, filtered

The first person this recipe

1303 69

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Love and Olive Oil

Bourbon Peach Lemonade Punch | Love and Olive Oil

This perfect summertime cocktail recipe is inspired by a similar concoction I enjoyed last summer at Husk restaurant. Unfortunately it was right at the tail end of peach season and I wasn't able to recreate it then (because using anything other than the sweetest of peaches would have done it a grave injustice. So I stashed it away in my mental file of recipe ideas to make once the peaches were back with a vengeance. Which is now. Every year, right around the time we all start complaining about the humidity, the peaches arrive amidst celebration and fanfare and promises of pies and pastries and perfect yellow flesh, every bite bursting with flavor and happiness. It's just enough to make us forget the oppressive heat, eager to dive in for another juicy bite, and leave us longing once again for summer once it's over. To me, peaches and tomatoes are what make summer in the South worthwhile. This is the definition of a perfect party punch: a punch being different from a cocktail in that