Brownie Batter Frosting

Brownie Batter Frosting

Brownie Batter Frosting

Brownie Batter Frosting


  • Vegetarian


  • Baking & Spices

    • 2/3 cup Brownie mix
    • 3 cups Powdered sugar
    • 1 Pinch Salt
    • 2 Squares of unsweetened bakers chocolate
    • 2 tsp Vanilla extract, pure
  • Dairy

    • 1 cup Butter
  • Liquids

    • 2 tbsp Water, HOT

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Cake Decorating, Baking, Tutorials, Recipes, Cake Photos & Inspiration

Rose Atwater is the founder and cake decorator behind Rose Bakes. She is baker, cake decorator, wife to Richy and homeschooling mommy to 6 wonderful kiddos! Her work has been featured in American Cake Decorating Magazine, Cakes Decor, Pretty Witty Cakes Magazine, Huffington Post and Cake Geek Magazine.


  • 1 cup butter, softened
  • ⅔ cup brownie mix, dry (from the box)
  • 2 squares of unsweetened bakers chocolate, melted (assuming squares are 1 oz. each)
  • Pinch of salt
  • 2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
  • 3 cups powdered sugar (more if needed for desired consistency)
  • 2 Tbsp. hot water, more if needed


  • In a mixing bowl, beat the butter until light and fluffy. Pour in the melted chocolate squares and mix thoroughly then add the dry brownie mix, salt, and vanilla and beat again. Slowly add in the powdered sugar. It will be thick! Add the hot water (one tablespoon at a time) until the desired consistency is achieved.
  • Taste it to be sure you like it - you may want to add more cocoa powder or brownie mix or vanilla or salt... I like to tinker with recipe amounts until I get them just perfect for me!

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Brownie Batter Frosting - Rose Bakes


Brownie Batter Frosting. This frosting has the flavor of brownie and can be used with cakes, brownies, cupcakes, or straight off the spoon!

Brownie Batter Frosting

  • Baking & Spices

    • 2/3 cup Brownie mix
    • 3 cups Powdered sugar
    • 1 Pinch Salt
    • 2 Squares of unsweetened bakers chocolate
    • 2 tsp Vanilla extract, pure
  • Dairy

    • 1 cup Butter
  • Liquids

    • 2 tbsp Water, HOT

The first person this recipe

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Rose Bakes

Brownie Batter Frosting - Rose Bakes

Brownie Batter Frosting. This frosting has the flavor of brownie and can be used with cakes, brownies, cupcakes, or straight off the spoon!