Captain Underpants Craft Stick Bookmark

Captain Underpants Craft Stick Bookmark

Captain Underpants Craft Stick Bookmark

Captain Underpants Craft Stick Bookmark


  • Produce

    • 1 Peach paint
  • Other

    • Captain Underpants pattern
    • craft glue
    • Jumbo craft stick
    • Red felt
    • scissors
  • Ingredients

    • Fine point black marker

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crafts for adults and kid's crafts


  • Jumbo craft stick
  • Red felt
  • Fine point black marker
  • Peach paint
  • Craft glue
  • Scissors
  • Captain Underpants pattern


  • Paint the front and back of the craft stick with peach paint and let dry. Meanwhile, print off the patterns.
  • Using the pattern, cut the cape from red felt. You can use pinking shears to cut the zig-zag pattern across the bottom of the cape or simply use a diagonal back and forth motion with regular scissors. Also, cut a strip of red felt (1.25” x 0.25”).
  • Glue the craft stick to the center of the cape and glue the red felt strip across the front of the craft stick for the cape’s tie strap.
  • Use black marker to color in the lower half of the mouth below the teeth.
  • Cut out the mouth and the underpants.
  • Glue both the underpants and the mouth to the craft stick. Use a marker to draw eyes, nose and chest.

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Captain Underpants Craft Stick Bookmark


George and Harold are at it again in the newest installment of the book series favorite, Captain Underpants and the Sensational Saga of Sir Stinks-a-Lot!

Captain Underpants Craft Stick Bookmark

  • Produce

    • 1 Peach paint
  • Other

    • Captain Underpants pattern
    • craft glue
    • Jumbo craft stick
    • Red felt
    • scissors
  • Ingredients

    • Fine point black marker

The first person this recipe

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Crafts by Amanda

Captain Underpants Craft Stick Bookmark

George and Harold are at it again in the newest installment of the book series favorite, Captain Underpants and the Sensational Saga of Sir Stinks-a-Lot!