Cherry Bomb Bourbon Whiskey

Cherry Bomb Bourbon Whiskey

Cherry Bomb Bourbon Whiskey

Cherry Bomb Bourbon Whiskey


  • Produce

    • 4 Cherries, pitted
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1/2 tsp Cinnamon
    • 1 Cinnamon sticks
    • 1 tbsp Sugar
  • Drinks

    • 3 oz Cherry cider, Hard
  • Frozen

    • 1 Ice
  • Beer, Wine & Liquor

    • 2 oz Bourbon whiskey

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Advice, Crafts, Travel and Everything Fun!

Jamie Harrington is a writer, a mom, a wife and all around fun person. She loves DIY, nail art, and crafting with her kid! When shes not blogging, or momming, youll find her gaming and watching silly movies. Shes a total sucker for a silly movie. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and G+.

1853 53

Cherry Bomb Bourbon Whiskey


I love fall because August is cherry season. I love adding cherries to the end of the summer menu, for instance I'll make cherry pie, cherry turnovers, cherry ice cream, cherry cinnamon rolls and, well, you get the picture. But my real love are cherries and bourbon together. It's like they're best friends, cut from a slightly tart and very naughty cloth. And you know what they friends deserve to be together. Enjoy this Cherry Bomb Bourbon Whiskey with your friends and drink a toast to me...Cheers! What You Need To Make A Cherry Bomb Bourbon Whiskey: 3 ozs Hard

Cherry Bomb Bourbon Whiskey

  • Produce

    • 4 Cherries, pitted
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1/2 tsp Cinnamon
    • 1 Cinnamon sticks
    • 1 tbsp Sugar
  • Drinks

    • 3 oz Cherry cider, Hard
  • Frozen

    • 1 Ice
  • Beer, Wine & Liquor

    • 2 oz Bourbon whiskey

The first person this recipe

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Totally The

Cherry Bomb Bourbon Whiskey

I love fall because August is cherry season. I love adding cherries to the end of the summer menu, for instance I'll make cherry pie, cherry turnovers, cherry ice cream, cherry cinnamon rolls and, well, you get the picture. But my real love are cherries and bourbon together. It's like they're best friends, cut from a slightly tart and very naughty cloth. And you know what they friends deserve to be together. Enjoy this Cherry Bomb Bourbon Whiskey with your friends and drink a toast to me...Cheers! What You Need To Make A Cherry Bomb Bourbon Whiskey: 3 ozs Hard