Chocolate Ganache

Chocolate Ganache

Chocolate Ganache

Chocolate Ganache


  • Vegetarian
  • Gluten free


  • Baking & Spices

    • 4 oz Semi-sweet chocolate
  • Dairy

    • 1/2 cup Heavy whipping cream

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Cake Decorating, Baking, Tutorials, Recipes, Cake Photos & Inspiration

Rose Atwater is the founder and cake decorator behind Rose Bakes. She is baker, cake decorator, wife to Richy and homeschooling mommy to 6 wonderful kiddos! Her work has been featured in American Cake Decorating Magazine, Cakes Decor, Pretty Witty Cakes Magazine, Huffington Post and Cake Geek Magazine.


  • 4 oz semi sweet chocolate (by weight)
  • ½ cup heavy whipping cream


  • First, warm the cream in a saucepan over medium heat until simmering. While its heating, chop the chocolate into small pieces Iif youre using bars or bricks) and place in a glass bowl. When the cream is heated, pour it over the chopped chocolate and stir until the chocolate it melted and the mixture is smooth. Allow to cool and thicken. {Note: you can also allow this to completely cool and whip it to use as a filling or frosting for piping.} I stuck mine in the frig for about 10 minutes to speed up the process!
  • Ive also added in ¼ cup of corn syrup (for added shininess) and vanilla (for extra flavor) but these are not necessary!

685 32

Red Velvet Cake with Ganache and Chocolate Dipped Strawberries


Red Velvet Cake with Ganache and Chocolate Dipped Strawberries

Chocolate Ganache

  • Baking & Spices

    • 4 oz Semi-sweet chocolate
  • Dairy

    • 1/2 cup Heavy whipping cream

The first person this recipe

685 32

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Rose Bakes

Red Velvet Cake with Ganache and Chocolate Dipped Strawberries

Red Velvet Cake with Ganache and Chocolate Dipped Strawberries