Classic Creme Brule (4 Ingredients Only!

Classic Creme Brule (4 Ingredients Only!

  • Prepare: 15M
  • Cook: 40M
  • Total: 55M
Classic Creme Brule (4 Ingredients Only!

Classic Creme Brule (4 Ingredients Only!


  • Vegetarian
  • Gluten free


  • Refrigerated

    • 6 Egg yolks
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1/2 cup Sugar
    • 8 tsp Sugar, fine
    • 2 tbsp Vanilla extract or seeds of 1 vanilla pod
  • Dairy

    • 4 cups Heavy cream
  • Time
  • Prepare: 15M
  • Cook: 40M
  • Total: 55M

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  • 4 cups heavy cream
  • 6-8 egg yolks
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 2-3 Tbsp vanilla extract or seeds of 1 vanilla pod
  • 12 tsp fine sugar


  • Turn oven to 325F.
  • Line a baking sheet with tall sides (glass baking dish or turkey roasting dish works well) with 2 layers of paper towel or 1 layer of kitchen towel, set aside.
  • Place the empty ramekins inside the baking dish.
  • Fill a tea kettle with water and allow to come to a boil.
  • Add the heavy cream to a large sauce pot and allow to come to a simmer. If using the vanilla seeds add them right now.
  • Meanwhile, whisk together egg yolks and sugar until pale yellow color.
  • Pour the hot heavy cream into the egg yolk/sugar mixture in a thin stream, while continuously whisking to prevent the egg yolks from curdling. If using the vanilla extract add it to the mixture.
  • Pour the mixture into the ramekins. This is best done using a pitcher.
  • Put the baking dish with filled ramekins onto the middle rack of the hot oven and pour the hot water around the ramekins until it comes halfway up to the sides. Loosely cover with foil.
  • Slide the baking rack back inside the oven and bake for 40 minutes. Then, remove from the oven and allow to come to room temperature. Refrigerate for 3-4 hours until thoroughly chilled.
  • Within 30 minutes, sprinkle the tops with 1 tsp of sugar and shake around until it covers the surface. Now using a torch caramelize the top.
  • Hold the ramekin in one hand at a 45 degree angle with the blow torch in another hand. Go over the sugar with the blow torch in circles, rotating the ramekin which will allow the sugar to caramelize the whole surface and make an even layer of the sugar crust.
  • Serves: 12 - ½ cup ramekins
  • Prepare: 15 mins
  • Cook Time: 40 mins
  • TotalTime:

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Classic Creme Brulee (4 Ingredients Only! - Let the Baking Begin!


Easy 4 Ingredient Classic Creme Brulee- creamy, smooth custard with delicious sugar crust on top.

Classic Creme Brule (4 Ingredients Only!

  • Refrigerated

    • 6 Egg yolks
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1/2 cup Sugar
    • 8 tsp Sugar, fine
    • 2 tbsp Vanilla extract or seeds of 1 vanilla pod
  • Dairy

    • 4 cups Heavy cream

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Let the Baking Begin!

Classic Creme Brulee (4 Ingredients Only! - Let the Baking Begin!

Easy 4 Ingredient Classic Creme Brulee- creamy, smooth custard with delicious sugar crust on top.