Crown Royal Spiked Apple Cider

Crown Royal Spiked Apple Cider

Crown Royal Spiked Apple Cider

Crown Royal Spiked Apple Cider


  • Drinks

    • 8 cups Apple cider
  • Other

    • 1½ cup Crown Royal

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485 2

Crown Royal Spiked Apple Cider Recipe by Laurie C - Key Ingredient


I love warm apple cider drinks and I'm always on the lookout for ideas - a lot of them are (IMHO overburdened with too many flavors. I like this one because it's allows the cider and whisky to do the talking.

Crown Royal Spiked Apple Cider

  • Drinks

    • 8 cups Apple cider
  • Other

    • 1½ cup Crown Royal

The first person this recipe

485 2

Found on

Key Ingredient

Crown Royal Spiked Apple Cider Recipe by Laurie C - Key Ingredient

I love warm apple cider drinks and I'm always on the lookout for ideas - a lot of them are (IMHO overburdened with too many flavors. I like this one because it's allows the cider and whisky to do the talking.