Crystallized Flowers

Crystallized Flowers

  • Prepare: 1H
  • Total: 1H
Crystallized Flowers

Crystallized Flowers


  • Refrigerated

    • 1 Egg white, large
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 Superfine sugar
  • Liquids

    • 1/4 tsp Water
  • Other

    • Edible flowers (such as borage flowers, chive flowers, violets, roses, pineapple sage, nasturtiums, rosemary, lavender, and dianthus
  • Time
  • Prepare: 1H
  • Total: 1H

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  • 1 large egg white
  • 1/4 teaspoon cold water
  • Edible flowers (such as borage flowers, chive flowers, violets, roses, pineapple sage, nasturtiums, rosemary, lavender, and dianthus)
  • Superfine sugar (or just blitz granulated sugar in a blender until finely ground but not powdery), for dusting


  • 1. Line a wire rack with parchment paper.2. Whisk together the egg white and water until just foamy. Holding a flower by the stem or stem end in one hand and the new, small, clean paintbrush in the other hand, gently brush the flower all over with the egg white mixture. (Be certain to lightly coat each speck of each flower or the uncoated bloom will wilt and wither.) Carefully sprinkle the sugar evenly over both sides of the flower. Place on the paper-lined rack and repeat with the remaining flowers.3. Set the flowers aside at cool, dry room temperature for 12 to 36 hours, or until dried. Strew the crystallized flowers over cakes and other desserts and get ready for some oohs and aahs. (You can store the flowers in a single layer in an airtight container for up to several months if kept in a cool, dry climate.)
  • Serves: Servings vary
  • Prepare: PT01H
  • TotalTime:

392 30

Crystallized Flowers


This crystallized flowers recipe, made with edible flowers, sugar, and egg white, is an easy and elegant garnish for cakes and tarts.

Crystallized Flowers

  • Refrigerated

    • 1 Egg white, large
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 Superfine sugar
  • Liquids

    • 1/4 tsp Water
  • Other

    • Edible flowers (such as borage flowers, chive flowers, violets, roses, pineapple sage, nasturtiums, rosemary, lavender, and dianthus

The first person this recipe

392 30

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Leite's Culinaria

Crystallized Flowers

This crystallized flowers recipe, made with edible flowers, sugar, and egg white, is an easy and elegant garnish for cakes and tarts.